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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • I share joint custody of my son with my ex husband. We agreed to a parenting schedule at the time of our divorce 2 yrs ago. Now, I'm engaged and will need to modify the parenting schedule. Can my ex prevent me from moving 100 miles away to live with my new husband when our original order read "must remain 25 miles or less". I have a job lined up as well. How much notice do I need to give to move with our son to our new home?(I have physical custody)
  • The landlord has not made requested repairs, leaking plumbing. He now threatens to evict us. What do I have as options, being a Vietnam vet?
  • My mother passed and she has had livestock which she paid the pasture fees and a vehicle she paid for. The problem is the vehicle is in my brothers name and she had him care for animals when she was not able to. Now, are the property now his or should it be probated to all the living children.
  • I filed termination of month to month tenancy, summoned delivered, went to court the renter has to leave by dec,1 the renter has not paid rent I now have a 5 day notice to give the renter my question is can I place the notice on their door, or does it have to be done by the police, what if she stays away from the home and says she did not get the notice? can I place the notice on the car, do I have to give it to her in person? I do not have her mailing address to send a certified copy ty denise kaldes email [email protected]
  • Was approved last year for Ahcccs Medical in July and our income went up $28 in January this year, SS disiblilty increase. I could not make the change online so I called and someone over the phone, end of Dec, being proactive, do not want to be w/o coverage, they did a new app. I received a note on Feb. 20th saying that it was denied, I was $12 over the income limit, although the new income limits online for Feb. 1 have gone up and I fit in those limits. I called and explained, but no. Applied on marketplace and a yes for reg plan. Can Accchs cancel and leave me w/o any ins. till plan starts?
  • How do I find out if there is a sale date for my home that is in foreclosure?
  • I’m trying to give my landlady my 30 day notice as well as my last months rent. I’ve tried going to her office when she didn’t come to the door I tried calling her and left a voicemail. Finally I’ve sent her a text as well as a photo of my written notice and I’ve had no response. Since I have proof of trying to contact her of my notice does it still count until I can get her the actual notice in person if she ever responds? I’m getting ready to move into my new place and I’m worried she might try to say she never received notice.
  • My son was killed by Tucson Police on 4/17/2014 and was not notified. Found out online. I went to retrieve his property and was told I had to wait because case was under investigation and they would let me know when I could retrieve his vehicle. My mom (son grandma) received a letter saying that nobody has come to claim property and in order to retrieve it we have to pay storage. Why do we have to pay anything. They held it for investigation and now want to charge us for it on top of killing my son. What can I do?
  • I would like to do a will. Do I need to hire a lawyer to do it for me?
  • Hi my swep cooler has been leaking for 2 years now.i have put in work orders in and they never fixed it. Now the roof has caved in and there is black mold. i put a work order in a week ago still nothing what can i do




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program