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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • My spouse signed a personal guarantee for his business (an AZ LLC). If his debtor tries to collect, what is at risk? If we have been married for more than 15 Years, is our property or just his at risk?
  • Where to Buy Kamagra Online at the Best Price without Prescription?

  • My daughters was born last month and her father would like to be on her birth certificate. But he is located in Mexico and is not able to sign so he can be on the certificate. Is there any form that he can fill out in mexico in front of a notary him stating that he agrees with being on the birth certificate. Could he go to the Americana consul or something for this to occur. Please Help!!!
  • What needs to happen to get a divorce decree modified as to custody. What are the determining factors - proof of immediate danger to the children? For instance I hate the guy my ex married and I think hes a terrible guy - he had a questionable past including a short time in jail. Is that enough to modify custody?
  • My former employer is verbally abusive on a daily basis and creates an extremely hostile workplace. After tolerating this for 6 months, I finally gave him my 2 week notice. He proceeded to say 'No, I'll end this right here' asked me for my key and walked me out. I then filed for unemployment, which has since been denied. I'm sure he said I quit, which is not the case. This person also made advances to my 16 ear old daughter when she was at work with me over the summer. Do I have a claim? I'm having a hard time getting a response from local attorney's.
  • Does the Late Fee Fairness Amendment Act Of 2016 also apply to mobile home park owners? I own my mobile but rent the lot. My landlord charged me a late fee on a late fee, but all of my rent has been paid on time. They claim that they can't apply my rent check for Dec. because it's not the full amount of my account, which includes the late fees. The late fee was because I was disputing the water bill and wasn't paying until we were able to speak about it on the phone, which was past the date that rent is due. They said they would waive the late fees, then reneged.
  • I am buying a house and the tenant doesn't want to get out of the house. She doesn't have a contract, they are going month to month. and she told the landlord that she was going to move out whenever she wanted. how long would it take to get her out?
  • my sons mother was just incarcerated this week for laiure to appear in court and two days later was arrested on another charge of burglary and armed robbery. as you can see she is not doing well and i fear for my sons well being i dont know where he lives, she kept him away from me and i do pay child support . how can i have him placed in my home i work i have two other kids and a extra bedroom for him. please help me
  • After 6 months of being pregnant my boyfriend and I have separated and he wants nothing to do with our unborn child do i have to put his name on the birth certificate?
  • My baby's father has been in contempt of court "at least" 2 times. This last time the judge told him, "If you haven't made some kind of payment before the review hearing in 2 will go to jail." Well he had not made any payments and the judge didn't do anything about it except give us another review hearing in 2 months. I don't understand why he is getting away with contempt of court and more than once. What can I do?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program