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  • Am I legally able to move out of state with my son, if the father is on the birth certificate? He has been active in our sons life as well as paying for his needs. However I am not safe nor is my children's state of mind and well being. There is 15 years of emotional, physical and mental abuse from him. My children as well as myself want a safe home and stability. I can't provide that unless I relocate. I have a job lined up in the new state as well as a home I can afford on my own The town sheriff is 200 feet away from me as well as CIA behind me I would be renting my home from family friends
  • If I paid a medical office to process my FMLA paperwork with my employer (TWICE) and they missed the deadline by one day even though they were in communication with my HR department. What options do I have against either the medical office or my employer? I ultimately got denied and had to work with my doctor to get on light duty to keep an income.
  • Back in 2005 I was convicted of undesignated assault. am I able to get my rights to own a firearm back as long as it was a fistfight and no weapon was used? I was released from the system in 2007 and completed parole.
  • Do I have to renew an order of protection in the court that ordered it or can it be done through any justice court?
  • I am trying to serve through publication. Case and child are in maricopa. I don't know where mom is but think she might be in Washington. I was unsuccessful at all address I found her name linked to. Do I need to publish in maricopa paper or the paper where it is believe she might be?
  • I am currently expecting a baby. The father of my baby left me when I was 7 months, but has stated he wants to be in the baby's life. He is a habitual marijuana smoker, heavy drinker, and the people he surrounds himself with are not the kind of influences I want around my child. He moved in with his mom, who keeps a very dirty house and has been in and out of the hospital with MRSA for the last couple of years. I do not feel like he can provde a safe and stable environment for my daughter. He believes he will get joint custody. What actions do I need to take to ensure this does not happen?
  • I used to work for the park I live in,they paid my rent. I was let go mid month, i contacted the managers boss,On November 2nd. the manager mailed out a 7-day eviction notice to me for non-payment of rent. I am awaiting disability to come in,i can only work 20hrs. max a week. I was not given any time to set-up a payment plan as others here have been able to do. The manager locks the door when she see's me coming to her office. I own the trailer but rent the spot. The eviction notice was not signed by anyone. Is this a Legal notice? I feel this is Retaliation!! what can I do ??
  • how do i make a request for discovery for a traffic violation?
  • My boyfriend has lived at our current home for ovet6 years and I moved in July 2013.. the owner also resides at residence. We have a lease that was done last yr thru the end f this year . We unfortunately were left in the dark about the owners financial problems and his home went into bank foreclose, auction and sold approximately a WK ago. We found this out when two men, new owners, approach us last WK in front of the house handing out friend... Now firmer owner..5day eviction notice with his name on it. We spoke briefly to them explaining we have not been given anything. They're throwing us
  • I put down a $300 deposit for my little dog . And when my lease ended I moved out I asked for my security deposit and I was told the pet deposit was nonrefundable I cannot get it back And he took $300 out of my security deposit because I had let a dumped kitten in front of my house stay in my yard for several weeks and when I moved I took iit with me. I didn’t even waant a kitten I just didn’t want to leave it there for him to do something to it. Is .it lawful for him to do that?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program