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  • I applied for veteran's court here in Anoka County, MN. I was sentenced at traditional court with 120 days forthwith and then a staggered sentence totalling 365 days. As part of my sentence I am now required to complete veteran's treatment after my release from incarceration. When I applied for veteran's court I was under the impression that it was in lieu of incarceration. Also I was not offered a stay of adjudication, only a stay of imposition. There seems to be no incentive for vet's court for me other than I have to do it or get a probation violation. Is that legal?
  • My granddaughters are 13, 12, and 10. Their father is a truck driver and has called them insisting that he is coming to get them for the summer. They have told him they do not want to go with him. He said they have to. Can these girls be forced to go with him? He has no residence, he lives in his truck, eatting and bathing in truck stops. He calls only now and then, sometimes not for six to eight months depending if his current "woman trucking companion" will allow it. Right now he is between women, his last one facing jail time for Shop Lifting. The girls can not afford a lawyer. thanks
  • My sis passed 4-3-13 No will, I am her brother,she has a car and apark model in a RV park. How do I go about closing her accounts? I live in Oregon, on her death bed she left everything to me... What do I do?
  • what forms to evict someone from my residence.
  • I am the guardian of my 2 grandchildren (their mother is my oldest daughter) she had been in a domestic violence situation with the kids dad (he is in prison until July 2016) she lives with friends, no job, possible drugs. He does drugs and has a new girlfriend pregnant. I do not want either of them to obtain children EVER. What can I do to protect the kids and myself since Arizona tends to want to reunite children and parents. This is not a good idea with either of the biological parents. I love them to much to have them suffer. Guardian since 2010, they are age 9 and 6. suggestions?
  • How many people can live in a 2 bedroom house?
  • I went to court on thursday does day of court countthe weekend new year day when is my 5 days up
  • Both of my parents have passed away leaving their small estate in a trust. I am the executor of the trust. The estate is small and fall within the dollar limits of real estate and personal property within the estate, where probate proceedings are not required. My question is; to complete the estate, do I need to To complete the estate, so I need to place a “Notice to Creditors” in a newspaper as described in A.R.S. 14-3801? (There are no known creditors).
  • my sons grandma has gardianship of my son i still have my rights as a mother to legally be able to see him she cant keep him from me can she
  • I am a 28 year old disabled man with a service dog and I live with 3 roommates whom I do not get along with. One of them (my ex) has threatened to kick me to the streets even though I have done nothing to warrant this. Can my roommates kick me out if I am on the lease? I pay my fair share of the rent, I have not done anything illegal, I have not done anything against my roommates to warrant being kicked out, and I have not broken any of the rules to be a tenant at the apartment complex I currently live in. What are my legal rights?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program