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  • How many days do I have to get my beds n large furniture out before the landlord throws it our?
  • My father recently passed. He remarried 8 mos prior to his death. He had a will & a trust. In the trust, he left me & my brother his house which had balance. The will/trust states that his wife can live in the house "rent free" because it was supposed to paid off with the life insurance policy. It doesn't state that she has to pay the house off, but it is implied. However, it does state that she must pay the utilities, maintenance, property taxes, etc. She has yet to file the trust with the county, is giving $ to other beneficiaries & trading in his vehicle for new one. Probate or Trust Atty?
  • My husband is filing for a divorce, and wants me to hurry and sign the Waiver of Service. Which I take it to mean that I'm acknowledging that I was served and nothing more. Is this correct? If I sign this acknowledgment will it affect my divorce in any way?
  • Can a landlord disclose my personal information payment history or rental issues for noise etc to someone that is not on lease and never was on lease.After we told him not to prior month
  • I listed my granddaughter as 18 month old. No fence or gate was around the pool from back doors of home, as required by permit under AZ Law. The lessor had a real estate agent as did we. The lease was broken, accepted by the lessor. The lessor does not want to refund $3,900.00 security deposit. The exterior fence from driveway also was not self closing either and we have pictures of both. Did the lessor break the AZ law by entering into a legal contract and not have a Permitted, Inspected fence and self closing gate around the pool, Knowing an 18 month old be occupying the leased home?
  • I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

    Where to get Ativan without prescription?

  • How long can a judge take a matter under advisement in regards to a bond reduction hearing?
  • Was recently evicted from a place I was residing at for several years,the minute i left ,was the last day of my sanity ..!I've been trying to maintain my employment as a caregiver.but have literally been moving everywhere ..week to week.from cheap motels ,attempted roomate wanted ads,-big mistake!I've been struggling to find a single, place in AZwilling to give me a second chance .they all claim I need to wait up to two years before they'll consider my application. 4now ..i'm not making enough to get established anywhere .CAN ANY BODY HELP ME PLEASE?IM QUIET,CAN AFFORD 600MNTHLY
  • Does AZ expedite people back to their home states because they willing unpaided child support?
  • I'm asking this question for my son who is renting a studio apartment. The apartment is infested with roaches which are coming from an a joining unit and now mice. It is a very unhealthy place which the landlord has not fixed the problem. The other tenant has been evicted the the unit has not been emptied and the insects are taking over my sons place making it a health hazard. Any advice as to how to get the landlord to exterminate the apartment? Thank you.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program