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  • I have been paying child support for close to ten years and not doing a very good job at it. However, I just found out, through DNA, that the child is not mine and have written proof from the lab showing this fact. What can I do to finally stop the payments legally?
  • My children's mother dropped the kids off with me December 31, three days after my agreed weekly visit not wanting to be responsible for taking care of them anymore. Ive got documentation and witnesses that she dropped them off with the intent to sign over her rights as a mother so she could do as she pleases. How do I protect myself legally so she cannot come and go taking them from a stable home after not being in contact once for the past five weeks? She dropped them off at my job with only the clothes on their backs. I am employed and have constant care for them, how do I protect myself?
  • The father of my children had sole custody, and he committed suicide. I am wondering if I need to file for custody or if it automatically reverts to the mother. The children are with me, and have been since the incident. i have the death certificate and have filed at the social security office. I just feel funny not having anything that says I have custody. Should I file a modification or is it a waste of time?
  • My son's father and I have had a verbal mutual agreement with him helping me with child support so we would not have to deal with the court. We are still "legally married". He has another kid and is paying child support through the court, which then brought my case as well. The day of the ruling the judge asked if I agreed to have dad pay back child support from three years ago, which I said yes. Can I waive the back pay order, once it has been placed without having to interfere with the current monthly child support ruling?
  • If I rented a home from someone and that person is not the owner and the police keeps thteating to arrest me what should I do
  • Does the income of my 17 year old daughter count?
  • I was evicted from my apartment on November 3rd, 2016. I received a five day notice and stupidly and irresponsibly believed my boyfriend when he told me that he went to the office and paid it. However I never received a Court summons by a servitor and never received any certified mail. I went to the office to get copies of the paperwork and all she gave me was a copy of the eviction action and the writ of restitution. Can they evict me without notifying me of the court date?
  • If I signed a lease and the landlord did not disclose important information about the house being in foreclosure and he's filed bankruptcy what are my options?
  • The mother of child is in jail and will be there until the end of September 2016. The mother wants me to keep the child until she is released. She did write a note saying she gives me permission to make any and all decisions for the child,but its just handwritten.I had been keeping the child three or four days a week since she was 5 weeks old,but she has been with me constant since she was 3 months old.what do I need to do to get temp guardianship until her mom gets out?
  • Public accommodations for the handicap.Theres a park that has no ramp only steps.My 21 yr old son is in a whheelchair and i had to pull him up the steps.What can i can ?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program