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  • i dont get to see my grandson he is almost 3 and I've only seen him mabe 10 times what can i do to get visitation?
  • I am the landlord and the water heater caused extensive water damage. The tenant broke her hip ( not as a result to the damage) and she is now under 24 hour care due to her mental state.83 years old I am being pressured to pay for her full time care while the house is being repaired. What is my responsibility for her living conditions while the house is being repaired?
  • I've heard that you can use FMLA "days' for various reason such as PTSD, Migraines and such. Is this true/valid? I don't see this sort of description under the act itself.If covered under this I heard you were protected for one year where you cannot be fired for taking various days off due to a short term illness.
  • What is the statute of limitation on Credit Card debt?
  • What rights do tenants have that are renting a house that has forclosed now that the Protection Act expired on December 31, 2014?
  • My daughters father has been absent for 5 years. He had a prior court order that allowed him visitation over 5 years ago. He completely stopped taking her or picking her up. Has not contacted her or I since then. She is now 8 and he now wants to see her again and wants shared legal etc. He is also now engaged and had a 2 year old. Is it likely he will just get visitation ? Or will I be able to get full custody ?
  • Can a landlord, as part of the lease, require the tenant to agree to only require 12 hours entry notice? Our new lease includes a provision that acknowledges the appropriate section of the ARS, but does not mention the 'two days' requirement. Quoted here... "Tenant agrees that Landlord, its agents and contractors, shall have the right to enter into the leased premises, or any portion thereof, upon twelve (12) hours oral or written notice to Tenant, for the purpose of inspecting the same or performing such repairs or maintenance as the Landlord deems reasonably necessary.
  • My 4 year old daughters Father and I have joint custody but since she was 1 year and 6 months he only asks for her every 6-8 months. Is this a form of child neglect? Would asking to sign over his rights as a parent be the next step?
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  • My hhusband has a child from befor we where married. He was never married to this woman, we are looking into how to get custody or joint custody of his son. Do we need to do a legal paternity test if he is already on the birth certificate and he doesn't question that he's the father?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program