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  • I retired from the army this past november and decided to move. even though i have orders my property manager is saying that i have pay a partial rent and a buyout of the lease.
  • Can you please tell me if there is a similar program to AHCCCS offered in the state of NY? Thank you
  • When selling a car as a private party to another individual. Is the seller responsible for anything after sell is completed (in the case the buyer is trying to get money from me for a repair he claims is needed now) As the seller does my responsibility for the vehicle end once we competed title transfer?
  • My wife and i are soon to be separated, she is from Canada and i feel she will try to take take the kids there there. She has a long history of alcohol and drug use and is recently out of rehab. What are my rights
  • I'm 17, and just received a ticket for not stoping at a stop sign. Can I bring/use my 18 year old sister as a guardian so I don't have to tell my parents?
  • With a legal guradianship of a minor the age of 16, who performs the home evaluation prior to the final court hearing?
  • I have a 16 year old daughter who lived with her father and step mother in Arizona while I was recuperating from a heart attack. (I voluntarily gave him temporary custody, and live in a separate state). During the time my daughter lived with them, she was placed on probation. All of the court papers were signed by her step mother, are these documents legal? Does a step parent have the legal right to sign legal papers as a parent or guardian, without being granted guardianship of the child?
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  • When and how to contact a fiduciary.
  • Three roommates and I rent a home. Owner lives out of the country and when in town he enters without warning. Last time he stayed 3 months and pressured me into moving out of the master bedroom so he could use it. I pay my rent and it was a huge problem moving all my furniture and belongings downstairs to a tiny bedroom. He uses our wireless internet and pays nothing toward utilities. I live in constant fear he can return and disrupt our lives again. Can an owner enter with no warning and live in home.Can he force me to vacate master room again. He implied I would be given notice if I didn't.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program