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  • Can a 13 year request not to stay with one parent 50% time and that be court ordered upon child’s request even if that parent is a fit parent? No current court order in place as parents have always agreed on time and money amongst themselves.
  • In Arizona, what should we expect for sentencing for Probation Violation on items 1 & 2 below and new charge on item 3? All same person. 1. 13-3415 (F6) DRUG PARAPHERNALIA VIOLATION 5/6/2012 Pled Guilty To Reduced Charge 7/30/2012 sentenced to probation 2. 13-3415 (F6) DRUG PARAPHERNALIA VIOLATION 7/14/2012 Pled Guilty To Reduced Charge 7/30/2012 sentenced to probation 3. 13-3408 (F4) NARCOTIC DRUG VIOLATION 3/1/2013 Pled Guilty As Charged 3/13/2013 awaiting sentencing.
  • I live in a apartment complex. My brother has informed the maintence via voicemail previously that there was something leaking in the bathroom. This was about April. They have not done anything or put an effort to fix the mold- that was caused, I'm assuming, due to the leak spreading on the floor.  It is now black and the walls have softened. It's now August what can I do to break my lease?
  • Do I need a will?
  • when a child turns 18 & has graduated but is a fulltime college student will the court even continue to require support for that child?
  • We live in Louisiana and in the recent past I had three headaches that were really bad. The third one was so horrific I thought I was having a stroke. I found out that after our neighbors moved a major effort was made to rid the apartment of insects. I also found out that the exterminating company was rotating insecticides. My fear is that we were affected by what was used. Both my blood pressure and my sons went really high. I have highblood issues but my diastolic went much higher then usual. Do I have a right to know what was used in that apartment?
  • Me and my boyfriend have been living in an RV for the past year-and-a-half or so it's in his name and his ex-wife's name well everything is okay until he gets mad at me and wants me to leave and tries to kick me out when I'm here all the time and he's a truck driver it's only when he gets mad he tries to kick me out is there any type of law here in Texas that can prevent him from kicking me out
  • I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

    Where to get Ativan without prescription?

  • I was recently served papers concerning a request to modify child support. The order to appear was not signed by a judge and the paperwork was not complete. 1) Should I have received an Order to Appear from the court? 2) Since the papers were incomplete and not signed by a judge, do I need to respond? 3) If so, what papers should I file when the papers I was served were incomplete and not signed?
  • Yes I need to see a judge to get a warrant taken care of for a state mandated class that I did not attend as I did not have the funds to pay $2300.00 for the class. What do I need to do to appear before a judge? Thank you for your help.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program