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  • The judge granted me 2 hours a week supervised visitation is the other parent allowed to move to another state
  • I currently live out of state with my children. My ex's lawyer and him have manipulated the truth and twisted things around to make things go in his favor knowing I would not be able to afford the legal counsel to continue the fight. Can I somehow stop him from using that lawyer in the future? How can I find a lawyer now that my family and I are tapped out and we are still paying legal fees? We still have several issues and I would like a mediator/lawyer to correct things however, I do not know where to start now that we are in another state and I can't afford legal counsel. What do I do?
  • How are adoption subsidies and monthly disability benefits treated in calculating child suppoort? My friend's wife refuses to provide him with any information as to these items and he is trying to put together his petition for dissolution. He is afraid that even if these monthly payments total more than his monthly gross income, he will be ordered to pay both spousal maintenance and child support. She also refuses to discuss joint custody.
  • I have children who have been in private school for the last 7 years. Their father and I are getting divorced. Is he obligated to continue paying for private school expenses? The children have never attended public schools and now their dad is saying that he should not have to pay for the schooling and they should be withdrawn from the private schools. The age range is from 8-12 years old. With thanks.
  • Do I need long-term care insurance?
  • I and my ex girlfriend are both minors, at the age of 16. Now, after a month of being broken up she has told me that she is pregnant. She has had this confirmed by the doctor and is now saying that she is going to need child support from me; furthermore,if I don't give the money to her she will get a court order. Do I have any right to deny the possibility that the child is mine, or deny paying child support? I am unemployed and my legal guardian is as well; we live off of my mothers child support for her own kids.
  • I am thinking about having a yard sale. I have a steep driveway. Am I liable if a person falls due only to the steepness of the driveway? What if I put up a sign to enter at own risk?
  • Over the weekend my apartment flooded but not just water. Feces flooded both showers and kitchen into the entries of the bedrooms, actual pieces of feces are seen floating around. Management is only going to get the carpets cleaned. I have never experienced this and seeking advice. I strongly feel the carpet needs to be replaced. Its feces! not just water flood. I have kids as well playing and running around on the floors. I feel disgusted at this point. Please Help!!
  • I have a credit card debt from 2004 that has been sold to a collector. Can there be garnishment to wages or just go after assets. Was served papers today. There was already a judgement about a year ago. Now I go another one.
  • my father pass away in 2008 he was the one who took care of the bill and finaces for the house my mother and father both retired but my father went back to work after 70 and rebuild the house 2006 and 2007 katrena, my stayed home a way after my father died my had stroke after stroke, dementia, she couldn't remember to pay her bill well i have been taken care of her for seven years she pass 2014 aug. now i have been going back and forth with jp morgan comp. chase bank. to due a remodifaction loan, now i have a letter sayingthe loan has been paid i have to get my own insurance the will not insur




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program