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  • my exwifes boyfriend physically abused her and harrassed her he left bruses on her face that took over a month to heal i got her away from him and somehow he talked his way outa her pressing charges she earsed all the pocture and texts he sent her then she lied to me and said she filed a police report and she didnt he now lives with her and she says now he barley touched her now we have the kids seperated and we havnt exchanged in 5 months and she wount answer texts calls or emails i need to keep him away from my kids since shes met him he has made her choose him over her kids what do i do
  • July of this year my ex-husband passed away and I am executor of his will. I have got a estimate of his mobile home and property. I am the one who is to receive any of his property. My question is do I have to put the property and mobile home in my name as I do not intend to keep it. It is completely paid for. The reason I ask this question is that I am on disability and have no intention to live there due to my health because the place is about 5 miles out in the country. If I put it in my name will it have effect on the benefits I get from disability and the state. Please let me know as soon as someone gets to answer this.
  • I have resided in the same rental property for over a year. I was told I was renewed for another year. 3 months into the second year the landlord (owner/realtor) told me I have to buy the house or move. He wants twice what it is worth or I have to move. I know this is not legal as a tenant but does this also violate real estate laws? I would very much like to report him to proper authorities but to whom would I report such a thing?
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  • Asking landlord for contract since Aug 16,2 Aug 16, had flood, he remove carpet promised to fix everything. My wife and 4 kids play in the cement for 5 ½ mths.Water from broom through wall damage our belonging in the garage.-Gar. Disposal, Microwave, and toilets not fixed.Withheld Dec rent, pay after he promised to fix the problems. He did not.Withheld Jan rent, pay after he threatened me by text that he will evict us.18 Jan 17, he left court papers on door w/a court day 24 Jan 17 to evict w/i 5 days.The tenants in the other flooded apartment are Anglo and their apartment was fixed w/i 2-weeks
  • Do landlords/property managers have the right to prohibit a mother from having a home birth?
  • I recently got arrested for Domestic Violence as a misdemeanor. I have a clean record and never been arrested before. Also the victim isn't pressing charges and it was a misunderstanding. What will my sentence be if I'm going to be currently seeking counseling.
  • We paid 1 year of rent up front and have found employment in another state. There is still 5 months left. 30 day notice sent and accepted. Can the legally force us to continue paying the utilities until they re rent?
  • We hired a landscaper and gave $2750 deposit for work to begin on August 24th. After several canceled appointments and no shows landscaper agreed to refund deposit. We waited 10 days for refund check and received a post dated check for 30 days into the future. What is our best course of action to get back our money. The company will not return calls or emails and we are worried they will stop payment or close account before we can cash the check
  • I was just laid-off from my from my fulltime job, I also have a part time job. Am I eligible for unemployment compensation?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program