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  • We recently had some water damage from a leaky toilet in a rental house we occupy collapsing a portion of the formal dining room. The leak from the toilet was caused by a faulty hose from the toilet to the wall. There was no sitting water in the small commode and with the lack of use of the formal dining room it was never noticed. Our landlord has stated that it is our responsibility since the leak was not inside the walls and that we should have noticed the damage. Both claims, the landlord and mine where denied. Now they are threatening to not renew the lease until we fix the damage.
  • I have guardianship of my step children, can I deduct them from my income as children of other relationships I support in a child support case I have ongoing in a separate matter?
  • My boyfriend is currently incarcerated on a child support warrant(held on a $10000 cash only bond). I'm trying to fill out a modification for him. He used to make $24per hour in the construction field.He lost his good paying job in Dec 2009. He has been in & out of jail for the CS ever since. Besides collecting Unemployement the only job he was able to get for a brief period was only paying him $11.00 an hour. My questions are 1)Should I use the $11 per hr or the Unemployment as income for calculating his support mod? & 2)How long can a judge make him sit in Jail? There's NO WAY we can pay it.
  • Is a washing machine considered an appliance that a land lord must replace if no longer working? Are they able to include no longer replacing appliances in the lease contract? Or indicate the tenant must come up with $100 and they replace it?
  • I am recently divorced. my ex wife is still living in our house which we jointly own. The house is on the market for sale but as you know it is very slow. My question is Can I collect rent from her?
  • A few days before I turned 18, my adopted family of 4 years kicked me out and dropped me off at my birth mothers house. (Who is not capable of taking care of me) they didn't even give me a quarter of my belongings and I also didn't receive any of my documents (I.e birth certificate, social security card, etc) this has caused me many problems in the year since dealing with trying to get a car, registering for college and other things. In order to get new documents, I need to have other documents and I have none. Is there something I can legally do?
  • On first week of june my landlord and i had a verbal agreement which was he wasn't going to charge me for the current months rent as long as i turned in my keys to the unit we agreed to go our separate ways but it is now the 5th day into the new month i had expressed to him that my check was accidentally was being mailed to me he have me a few days now the check isn't here yet and he is telling me i have 2 days to move out and if not out on the 3rd day he will show up to collect last months and current months rent and proceed with eviction. Do i have any rights?
  • I have 5 days to leave. I was given a 5 day notice of non rental payment on 7/1/2015 and minutes later she returned with an acceptance of partial payment where our agreed schedule of rent is divided into 4 with 1st payment due 7/10/2015 I was on time that week but after for the 17th I was late in which my mom helped me with and landlord accepted assuring I'd get to stay as long as all was paid by the first that was 3 days ago. Today was court I was told wouldn't have to go I had an accident a week ago broke collar bone & arm &4 mos pregnant. Do I have to go and what about my moms money?
  • I have a tenant with a one year lease, the lease will expired in another 4 months, but the tenant has neglected to report damages cause by water leaks on the roof, and most of my ceilings are falling down, I have extensive damages due to the tenant not notifying of the water leaks, I will very much like to give her 30 days notice to leave the premises, it's going to cost me lots of money to make the repairs and since the leaks are being going on for so long my homeowners insurance wont paid for them, can I send a Unconditional Quit form to the tenant? Thanks.
  • my husband was died one year back and from then am living in my moms home with my child who is 2 year old.but now my in laws want to take custodity of my child totally to them they want only my child they want to seperate my child pls give me solution to apply legally a ccase on them for my child custody wht can i do




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program