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  • If my child's father currently doesn't have a job or any source of income, am I still able to file child support against hi?
  • Have Lived at the same complex for the past 3 years. The complex has new owners for the past several months. Old management used to give me (at my request) a copy of my check with the stamp and /or signature of received. Deadline to pay the rent is the 3rd of each month. Now the new management refuses to hand me a receipt before the 4th of the month. My question is, where is the proof that I handed the check to them in time to avoid late fees? There lot of rumors among neighbors that they are trying to scare people out to renovate more units and raise the rent. What are my rights? Thank you.
  • If a relative has lived in your home for than a year and domedtic violence was involved, do i have to give her notice before I get rid of her belongings
  • I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

    Where to get Ativan without prescription?

  • What does "Undesignated" mean when it is under the EVENT TITLE on the Docket for the Judges calendar for a Return hearing in a family court case??
  • I am obligated to indefinately pay spousal support, which I do not have the money for. The job position I was in has ended, and I am no longer in that field of work. Can the court require me to continue paying spousal support that I do not have the finances to provide?
  • My house was foreclosed on in 2008; the 2nd Mortgage was not used to purchase the home, and the 2nd Mortgagee has now sold the "note" to a collection agency. If the 2nd Mortgagee never filed or sued me on the deficiency can the collection agency pursue the collection of this debt? Who is the holder of the written contract that I had with the original lender?
  • I was in a car accident. The other driver's insurance company has offered to pay about $1000 -$1500 less than the Kelly Blue Book value for my car. The insurance company will not release my car until I sign the title over to them. The insurance rep will not provide documentation of how they determined the valve of my car. The rental car must go back today and I can't buy other car like mine for the amount they are offering. Is there anything I can do?
  • My house foreclosed and was sold at auction on 4/4. On 4/5 I spoke with the new owner and he said he would give me until 4/12 to vacate. Today 4/9 I recieved a Forcible Detainer request form in the mail. DO I need to be out by today?
  • I need some help to understand if I have a case to pursue legal action: I was in an accident 9/26/15: my car was hit by a truck. The driver of the truck was not the owner of the truck. It has been a struggle to navigate through the insurance(s). I did get my car fixed and owner of the truck's insurance paid for repairs, and my chiropractor bills are pending... my insurance paid for the $500 we paid out of pocket, and my rental car. The remaining item open is "diminished value" - they offered $250 for my 2008 Lexus ES350 (under 50K miles), but I need advice to settle or pursue legal action




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program