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  • Is there a place where we can get a Financial Power of Attorney Form with no charge. Do you know if more than one person can be names as POA? like my daughter and my son both?
  • We sold a home in Hereford AZ that is in an HOA. At closing we were charged $800 for a disclosure fee. The state statute allows a maximun of $400. We told the HOA this and they refused to let us close unless this was paid. The statute also states that the HOA could be fined up to a $1200 for this. Who can we complain to to get get this investigated?
  • What is the landlord's responsibility regarding termites?
  • Was approved last year for Ahcccs Medical in July and our income went up $28 in January this year, SS disiblilty increase. I could not make the change online so I called and someone over the phone, end of Dec, being proactive, do not want to be w/o coverage, they did a new app. I received a note on Feb. 20th saying that it was denied, I was $12 over the income limit, although the new income limits online for Feb. 1 have gone up and I fit in those limits. I called and explained, but no. Applied on marketplace and a yes for reg plan. Can Accchs cancel and leave me w/o any ins. till plan starts?
  • My daughter had sex with her 16 year old boyfriend after school. She lives with her dad. I have had him over on weekends but I have supervised them. Now they say they had sex at my place. Can anything be done to me. I didn't know they had sex here.
  • My landlord is requiring beginning August 1st every tenant to take an unnecessary utility called RegalWaste and upon renewal to pay $15 a month for this service, even though regular trash will continue and charged for in the utility bill. RegalWaste includes storing their bins in your bins until pickup time from in front of your door and then bringing it back into your apt. till the next day. Is this legal and what if I say no.
  • I work at home and currently have Joint 50/50 decision-making and parenting time. If I continue to exercise my first right of refusal while the other party is working would that be helpful when going back to court post-decree to help get more time with the children?

    Where Can I Buy Viagra (sildenafil) Online at Lowest Price?

  • My husband who is 34 gave a sperm sample, via a specimen cup, over 10 years ago to a lesbian couple he was friends with. They all signed a mutual agreement that he had no legal rights or responsibilities to any child created from this donation. The lesbian couple moved away and my husband has not heard from them in 10 years. No the mother who carried the child is coming after my husband and I for Paternity and Childsupport. My husbands first wife did not keep their copy of the signed agreement and the other female in the partnership passed away a month ago. What on earth do we do now?
  • The home I'm renting (leased through August 2015) was foreclosed on and there's a new owner. Do I have to pay rent to the new owner if I'm leaving in 6 weeks? Or do they have to give me an eviction notice? The new owner is demanding rent, but she doesn't have the deed yet, just a proof of purchase receipt.
  • I have a question about payment of utilities. I signed rental agreement stating that I have to make a tep account to pay my electric bill. But I got a notice yesterday that I have until today to make a simple bills account to pay for electric utility. I do not want to use this service and it was not in my lease. I called another number, but the woman was unhelpful.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program