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  • If I ask a court for a protective order, and they denied it, can i go to another court and try?
  • If I'm on my son's birth certificate, can my sons mother hold him away from me, and not allow me to see him for no reason?
  • What information will the judge accept as germane to this appeal? Appeal of UC benefits for voluntary quit. UC was granted: based on "...inharmonious relations with a fellow employee....You voluntarily left with good cause." The employer was stating that "...while being given a performance improvement plan, she became upset and resigned." This is not accurate. Job abandonment and failure to provide written notification cited. I have an email 061313 from my supervisor in response to my leaving because of the current unresolved tensions with a co worker. I have a performance eval. merit pay
  • I have a 5 year old son who I've been taking care of with the help of my now husband he has been around for 4 years now, my son calls him dad, his biological dad has been absent all 5 years up until now and has been coming around for about a month a half now and there has been some dis.agreements, what rights does my husband have when it comes to my son
  • There is mold epidemic in my storage room. My possessions that were stored in there are destroyed and they are doing major repairs that will require to tear down walls leave me without hot water. I am asthmatic and have allergies. What are my options?
  • Can a individual be charged 4 years later on charges from a crime scene investigation that was already investigated and charges imposed 4 years ago and the defendant took a plea deal on them? Anotherwords, during a burglary investigation and a search of a residence indicated items that were burglarized, along with drug parafanillia, no charges were filed regarding the burglary but charges were filed on the drug parafanillia and the defendant took a plea deal on them and sentenced 4 years all of a sudden they charge the defendant with the burglary, and the same drugp again 4yrs lat
  • I let a friend of mine live in my house rent free for about 7 months after she had a baby. I babysat and cared for the child while she worked and never charged her any money for childcare. After 7 months, she moved out but left most of her personal belongings in my house. It has now been 8 months since she left. How long does the law state that she has to come back and claim her belongings before her property is considered abandoned. And then do I legally take ownership of her property? I have also loaned her money which she has not paid back yet. Please advise. Thank you.
  • Hellow My workmen compinsation claim injury case was denied. Now I'm still injured have waited opproximently 25 days for services to continue & find out how serious my knee inju ry is. Now i"m out of a job cause my claim was denied help me with some free legal answers who to call by phone  thank you. HELP PLEASE!!!
  • I purchased a farm using two different private loans(no banks). One loan was on a promissory note. Animals were used as the collateral on the note. Having defaulted on the note, I have turned over all the animals to the party owed. Is there an Arizona law or case that establishes the turnover of collateral as discharge of the note? Can you recommend a method for me to find this specific information. Thanks
  • Hi, I am being stationed outside of the country and wanted to know what the SCRA covers for phone contracts. The phone is not paid off, am I responsible for the remaining amount?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program