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  • I allowed my daughter's boyfriend to move in to my home. He is not on the lease but has been for over a year. We originally had a verbal agreement where he would pay rent and do chores for the short time he was staying there. He did not do that. In April 2018 we created roommate agreement that stated how much everyone was to pay and we all signed. He has not paid according to the agreement. I have asked him to leave. He says he has 30 days per the agreement that he has not honored but I want him out max 2 weeks. Do I have to give him written notice or the 30 days? TY
  • I am the recipient of the child support that my son is to recieve. I am not working but going to school full time, my son's father had put down on the paper work when he filed that I was making minimum wage and said that it was mandatory to have that down regardless if I was working or not. Is this true. He also says that it was mandatory that he gets to put my son on his taxes every year for four years is this true?
  • How does this minimum wage law pertain to commission base jobs, ie sales - car, furniture?
  • Who can evict me. My landlord does not own property. His sister does. I refused to pay this months rent. I have a part of my ceiling exposed because the ceiling fell due to water damage. Insulation exposed, black mold is there. MLandlord sent 5 day eviction notice in mail. text me that he will be giving me a letter tomorrow saying he is inspecting home on Sunday. What do I do? I was hospitalized late June. Could not find what caused illness. Thought it was a stroke. I was in a SNF. Got better. Once I came home, I am again suffering from headaches again, tired so are my children Mold in AZ too
  • does Arizona have a three strikes law.
  • My girlfriend in highschool got pregnant not sure if it mine or not, she took of and the kid is almost , she's now ordering a paternity and child support. Is there anything I can do? I feel she is only doing this now that she has found out from and old friend in highschool that I'm not happy and have kid another kid
  • I was discharge from bankruptcy chapter 13 in march of 2013. the main purpose was to keep my home which I owed $1,300. at the time of my bankruptcy in 2009 I had quantum servicing as my servicer. and as 8-2013 I have statebridge. they say that I am behind on my payments as of 1-2012 because thats how quantum gave them my account. my trustee paid quantum in 2010 the $1,300 how can they say I owe money. I have been trying to get a hold of quantum to have them explain the situation with no luck. now im in foreclosure again. I know something illegal is going on with the servicing companies,but I
  • I've been renting an apartment for % years I always questioned there late fees they use to charge 50.00 then five dallars a day after. this year they raised my rent by 30.00 and they raised the late fee by 25.00 and 10.00 a day after now the late fees are 75.00 after the 3rd and 10.00 a day after. I pay 715.00 a month for a one bed room apt. I just want to know if this late fee is legal. That over 10% of my rent in late fees. I work full time and get paid every two weeks unfortunately I have to pay late fees due to this I feel like the management is taking avantage of the tenants is this legal
  • My father's girlfriend has lived with my father and I in the mobile home my father owns for 9 years. She pays no rent or utilities. I am dad's Power of Attorney since his stroke. How do I evict her, she does nothing around here either.
  • how can i find my sister when all i know is the day and town she was Born?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program