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  • What if mother of children is not letting father see the kids , then says father didn't excersise his parental rights ?
  • after an electrical fire, can the landlord be taken to civil court for not maintaining the property.
  • If your name has legally been removed from the childs birth do you still have to pay child support
  • once the court granted joint legal custody does it ever expire? its been six years
  • Theres no lease and landlord file eviction with courts and only my roommates name was on the eviction does it apply to me to
  • I am trying to do a formal name change for my son. His biological father's rights were terminated july 2012. Do I still have to notify him of the name change?
  • When I was 14, my olet sister had a baby boy. A few days before he was turning two years old, she was found abusing him and my other older sisters 5 year old daughter. The police did nothing but a few months later, she left and never came back. I've been taking care of the boy since he was barely 2. He's almost 8 now. My mother was supposed to try to get custody and hand it to me but she didn't. Now I'm 21. He knows me as his parent. He doesn't know anyrhing else..what can I do if the mother isn't around?
  • Are landlords obligated in letting the tenant know how to work the gas and electricity?
  • What can someone do if a person is holding personal items at theor home? This someone moved in there for a shirt time and moved out and can't get the rest of their things. The person is either hiding them or just won't give them back. What can be done to get them back? Please let me know asap.
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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program