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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


    Do I need an attorney? Unsure of what kind of help you need, let AzCourtHelp guide you. You may not need an attorney after all. Learn more at —

  • Savvy Seniors

    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • If an Injunction of Harassment is dropped in Superior Court, can I re-apply due to not having enough evidence? Or appeal it? What are my options? Thanks for your help/info.
  • I was arrested on a criminal charge. I was read Miranda and I asked for an attorney. At 11am the next day, I was taken before a judge. She read the charges and set bail. Then I was taken to another holding cell that had phones. Two questions: 1)What's the name of that hearing? 2)Why did I not have an attorney present, or at least someone to explain what was happening? I watch the news and see the same courtroom with attorney's representing the accused.
  • If there have been multiple vehicle break-ins and I am moving because I don't feel safe, can I leave without penalty? My lease asks for a 60 day notice, this just happened no way for me to give a notice. Also my lease is up September 9. I read that it's AZ state law, that if a tenant feels unsafe they may leave. I am moving because I literally can't sleep because my car was broken into and I have a small child.
  • I am interested in finding out rights for people being discriminated against for being in a multi racial relationship.
  • My Grandson and his parents went to California to visit other Grandparents. Both his parents decided to go to rehab. Grandpa filed for guardianship. Mom left rehab after a week and moved in with a friend and continued to use. Dad stayed in rehab for 60 days and came back to Arizona to get a job and a place to live for him and his son. Now he wants to bring his son home. Mom and Dad are not married , Dad is not on Birth Cert, But child does have Dads last name. He has been in California for a total of 6 months. How do I get custody of my almost 3 year old son?
  • My 5 month old father just came into her life now and is threading me with taking custody, his not on the birth certificate, and asked me to abort. Does he have any rights?
  • What is the requirement of an apartment complex when bed bugs have been discovered? Are they required to cover relocation while the apartment is being treated if it is over a certain period of time?
  • A friend of mine took a old used ac unit and scrapped it he and another employee noticed it in the trash for about 2 to three weeks afterthis occurred the company was reimbursed full value and he was charged with theft is this doable
  • Does the landlord have to provide proper and safe drinking water? Water and ice in refrigerator is hard and has flakes in the cup. Is this something that should be taken care of by landlord?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program