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  • Short Sale question - What do I do if there was not full disclosure at the short sale by the lender that a heloc would still have a balance & they would come after me 4 years later?
  • Can my landlord tell me I am violating my rental agreement for something that is not on the agreement?
  • My mother owns a 2 bedroom mobile home and my sister and 2 of her children moved in to take cate of my mother but land lord won’t except my sister staying cause they said is too many of them what is the limit for a two bedroom mobile home I was under the impression that is 2 person per bedroom??
  • Signed a lease agreement a few weeks ago to an apartment sight unseen due to current resident. Today, my wife and i received keys to the new apt. Immediately found a roach infestation. In every room and every corner, black and german roaches coming out of the walls. Not one thing has been moved in yet and we were in the apt for about3 minutes. Can we legally terminate and/or nullify this lease pre move in, due to health concerns with our newborn? I have video of the roaches crawling everywhere.
  • My husband and I have been married 45 years. 4 years ago my step-daughter took him to live with her in Las Cruces, NM. She has isolated him from me, I haven't spoken to him for 3 1/2 years. Recently, she has been taking the $1200 per month that goes directly into an account set up for me. My husband's name is on it but I have received this money for 5 years because this was our arrangement. I think he is not capable of making his own decisions and she is exploiting him. She or someone cleared out his CDs of $50,000. Is there any legal action I can take to cover myself?
  • My ex husband and have been divorced since 2008 we both have joint custody and the children have primarily lived with me and have had the same parenting plan in place since, however this past December my ex husband asked for a modification and the judge awarded him as the "primary residential parent" since parenting time was modified and the children are now staying with him more than me. We both still have jjoint custody. My ex husband changed the kids school with out me knowing or agreeing dose he have the right to do this? The order dosnt say he can make educational decision on his own.
  • My husband has left me and moved to San Diego. He has left me with all the bills to pay. I am going to be evicted myself if I don't pay rent by the 16th. Can I get any help for abandinment?
  • Our tenant moved out on November 29, having not paid part of October, or November. There are extensive damages to the house that exceed their security deposit. They have said that they do not have money to pay us the back rent, or for the damages above the security deposit. I'm thinking of going to small claims court for the back rent, and then going to Superior court for the damages above the security deposit in the not to distant future. Is that legally acceptable? I am in the process of collecting quotes for repairs. Thank you!
  • IF a lease has not been signed on a rental property in over ten years is the original lease still in effect or does the agreement default to month to month or week to week?
  • If you are not the landlord of some one who lives in the same home as you in the garage again I am not third landlord and this person doest pay the power bill it gets shut off I am forced to turn it on in my name and I told him he can pre pay me the 121st bill what his part would be or I would not turn on the power to the garage because I wasn't going to pay for him to use the power and not pay do I have that right?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program