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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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  • can a child over 13 decide what parent will get custody over them?
  • I have been served papers from an Atty's office that I've never heard off, from a Company they're representing, that again I've never heard of stating that I had a Visa card from US Bank, and again I've never have had one, and also they used my nickname, which I would never open a credit card with that name, now, they're suing me for 2,800 and Im not sure where to go from here...I can't afford much for an attorney.
  • I would like to know how to start the eviciton process. What court do I go to, what papers are necessary, do I need to retain a lawyer etc.
  • If I am moving out of home that I am renting and there are damages made on my behalf, Can I repair on my own before I move out or does the landlord have the right to do repairs themselves and charge me?
  • My ex-wife left my son with me in August 2007 and moved to San Antonio, TX. On 5/19/2008 she came to my son's school and took him out and put him on a plane back to San Antonio. Even though she has sole custody the law states that she is suppose to give me 60 days notice before he can be considered to be moved to a different state. How do I get a court sanction?
  • I have guardianship of my two stepchildren and I just moved to Arizona will I be able to apply for any kind of assistance
  • The air conditioning in my house went out. I am currently renting. We notified our property management and they sent someone out the next day. The ac company said they cant fix it for a week. Our property management told us to find somewhere else to stay. Is there a law that they have to pay for us to stay in a hotel? And is there a law stating that we can deduct money from rent from each day that we are not staying in the house? And if so then how much? Thank you.
  • If I have sole custody do I need the other parents permission to take our child out of the country on vacation?
  • My sons father doesn't follow the court order in place and he blocks my cell phone number and my fiances from contacting to wonder WHY he's not getting my son. His girlfriend has text me and told me what he is doing and when he has gotten Caleb he teaches him that it's okay to hit women! And there is domestic violence but I do not know how to prove it unless his girlfriend said it to the judge .
  • I am a father i recently seperated from my kids mom i have been there since day one but she refuses to let me see them she has had a drug problem for many years now do to her drug abuse she has a medical condition that she sometimes cant even get up from bed i need legal help to get custody of my kids or to get visitation rights to make sure my kids are being taken care of




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program