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  • How much would it cost to change your last name after marriage through the court?

    Where Can I Buy Cenforce Online at Lowest Price?

  • Have two homes, Glendale & Surprise, was living in the Glendale home until wife passed away, on 10/2006, moved to other home in Surprise right after death of Wife. Moved out of home in Glendale due to the pain so I moved to our other home in Surprise leaving my son to live in the Glendale home. During the healing time, my real estate income went so low that I lost the home to foreclosure in May of 2008, which I accepted keys for cash from Ocwen, and moved back to Glendale home. Does the home in Surprise qualify for Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief, since I was living there for 1 1/2 years.
  • My live-in boyfriend was served a Protective Order yesterday. The police explained it to him and gave him time to collect some personal belongings. How long does he have to come back and collect the rest of his stuff from the house?
  • Why am I forced by my employer to pay for online Arizona lottery tickets that customers refuse to pay for when they claim the tickets were not how they asked them to be. I am now even being threatened with being fired if the lottery sales numbers are off! My paycheck has been garnished twice for this and all employees are harrased over this idiotic lottery policy and paranoid with making a wrong register key slip because regardless of actual money lost or just essentially an overring it is Always the same ,lottery number being short real or not, we pay. Is this Legal??
  • Are there minimum limits for amount of time taken. My wife has a sick relative that is on her death bed. We are wanting one day for her to say goodbye. Also. What is the definition of parents. The relative in question rased my wife from 10-18
  • Our insurance was cancelled for our rental unit. The carport needs to be repaired. The tenant has two cars that are broken under the carport. Legally he's allowed to have these cars on the property. He has been asked in writing to remove them and why and has not. What can we do?
  • I am currently working for a company, but I want to get a better job.I received a call from one place that would have given me more money, allowed me to go to school, and it even offered medical benefits, which I really need since I currently have none.I was supposed to start the following Tuesday, but unfortunatley my current boss did not want me to go and called the place I was pursuing and said some unappropriate things about me.What can I do
  • My ex wont tell me where he works or what he makes how much he makes, how do I get this information?
  • I had made an appointment for a visual mold inspection to be performed at the condo I rent, due to my landlords not taking action and telling me it was my responsibility to pay for a test. I informed both the Inspector and landlord that I was running 10 minutes late. The landlords did not wait for me to be present and let the inspector in my home without my permission, had the test performed and was done before I arrived.If I made the appointment and did not give permission for them to enter or was informed they entered, is there something I can do about this?
  • Are there any type of communication laws, guidelines,(w/ the mother) that are necessary for when I have my children during my parenting time?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program