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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • can an individual file a police report for an assault that happened at work, on any other day than the incident
  • i am in debt with child support payments because i don't make as much as the court thinks i should make because my child mother is a stripper. the mother of my child has kept my daughter from seeing me or talking to me for over 6months. i want visitation to be set up. can i file for visitation and receive it even if i owe child support? i will be making payments after i go to get it modified
  • My husband is incarcerated and we have two children. I am in the process of submitting my petition for a dissolution of marriage and noticed we are required to complete a parenting class. Is there a waiver for a parent that is incarcerated or any other way this class can be completed by him?
  • Do I have to pay arrears if the child's an adult & her & her mother move out of the country?
  • My ex-wife and I were divorced in 2010 and our dissolution documents were very vague concerning my military retirement. It states that "each of the parties shall be awarded, a division of their respective share of military retirement accumulated between the date of marriage and date of separation." Since there was no percentage or amount specified, she is now trying to file a new Domestic relations Order in order for me to give her a portion of my retirement. What can I do in order to make sure it is divided equitable and fair, so I do not get steamrolled in this matter?
  • During my current 6 months of employment, I was hired as a 1099 employee and then transitioned to a W2 employee (paid salary + commission)and then forced back to a 1099 employee by my employer. Despite earning commissions from the first month of employment, I have yet to be paid any commissions. They initially told me I they would pay them and then they ignored by requests for payment. Can an employer withhold and deny paying earned commissions and if so, how long. Are they subject to any penalties or fines for will fully with holding earned commission? What can I do?
  • I am being threatened to vacate the apartment by my landlord, but I have not received written notice. The reason I have been told to vacate is because my landlord believe I have an unauthorized tenant but she has no proof that the person lives with me and is not giving me the ten day notice to add them to the lease and this is low income is this right or can I fight this?
  • I signed a 7 month lease which was up on July 4th. I asked for an extra month after my lease expired and they said, no problem. I went in to pay this months rent and they ask me to pay almost $300 more for the extra month. I told them I was not told of an increase in rent and I don't have the extra money for this. Is this legal for them to raise the rent without any kind of notice? They also put a 5 day notice on my door.
  • If I just signed a year's lease and we get evicted this month, am I responsible for paying the other 11 month's rent?
  • My lease for the condo I rent expires 07/31/10. if I move out in June, but still pay June and July's rent, am I considered abandoning the property? Do I need to let the landlord know I am moving out?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program