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  • I have received a three day notice on the 6 of this month and on the 17 of this month. I tried to give my landlord the rent money, and I've tried calling her. She did not respond. So, I went down to the court house and I paid my rent there. What do I have to do I do next.
  • My child is a newborn and in childrens hospital he has gotten taken from my care if I want to see him at the hospital til can I go see him even if hes in states custody
  • how can i file for child support
  • Hello, I married my spouse about 1 year ago. We then PCSed to overseas. My wife found employment in a GS-8 job. Now she wants to live the single life- never comes home, parties all the time with others, and has had affairs with other men. I want to divorce her but she doesn't want to get a divorce because she wants to keep the GS job. Her job really likes her and is looking for a way to keep her here . Its I want nothing to do with her. My question- is there a law that protects service members from these predatory spouses that marry just for the preferential hiring for these GS jobs?
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  • My daughter works and goes to school to support her family, husband and two children. Her husband (he lost his job) agreed to stay home with the kids while She finishes school (7 more months). Now he says he can get sole custody if they separate because he has been the primary care giver for the last year. Is this true?
  • Is a trailer park landlord responsible for the propane regulator,they won"t buy one, say thats my reponsibility, is it
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  • I live in some apts and about 2wks ago we got a notice on our door saying we owe $146 frm this past months rent(sept) we ask what its for since we always pay a lil extra on rent. They tell us we r now since Aug. Are being billed separately for our water,trash,elected etc. Our lease states we r on a fixed rate. They say they sent out notices in April, we never got one. We asked if they changed it in our lease and they say they will not be changing it on leases cause its too much work. Can they do that? And what can we do about it?
  • So i just moved down here about a month ago with to move with a friend my name is not on the lease and i also have mail here and hes trying to kick me out in kess then 24 hours but i have no where ekse to go because i am originally from ohio. What are my rights.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program