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  • my apartments told me today (may I add this is the first I heard about this )that the reason I couldn't get my rent paid or excepted was due to I was getting evicted for supposedly having another person living in my apt not on the lease which is not true... then they proceed to tell me I needed to be out by the next day I didn't even get a phone call or letter an they know I work out of town this time they moved per 3 hours away.
  • Our leasing company who operates nation wide told me their contractors are legally obligated to tell them if they see or hear pets. (We don’t have one but our neighbors does, these houses are squished together) now they are trying to force fees with out me signing anything. It feels like an invasion, one of these dates this has been “recorded” was today while I’m at work. We haven’t requested for anything to be fixed. Is this legally allowed?
  • i am in a contract dispute requiring mediation and/or binding arbitration. How do I file? The total amount is $4K. Thank you
  • Son has 3 1/2 yr old daughter living solely w him in Phx, AZ for the past 3 yrs after getting joint custody 3 1\2 yrs ago Parental plan - daughter lives w each parent alternating every 3 mo. Son took daughter to OR after 3 mo. Mother was homeles. Both parents agreed daughter not to stay w her till mother stable. Mother been convicted/2 yr diversion for DV in OR, has made little attempt to contact her daughter and has made no now for over a yr. Son continues to pay child support. Question is - Can the child support order be modified so son doesn't shave to pay it to her? Thank you.
  • What does it mean if my parenting time is suspended? What are my rights? And what do I do to get my rights back
  • I have two children who live with their mother , recently on the visits they refuse to go home citing emotional and some psychical abuse. my daughter had cutting scars on her arm and said it was cause her mom emotional bullied her to that point.When they are with me there is no issues with the children, how could I get sole custody to keep my kids and keep them from the abuse they sustain at their mothers .There is no custody plan in place just a child support order for both children
  • My Roomate filled a protection order against me he lies about everything cops came and told me to leave I got 15 mins. Then I requested hearing date and court kept the protection order valid I need to get my furniture out of the apt what do I do ! Help me pls.
  • My lease expires in one month and I just recently received a renewal notice 1 week ago and they raised my rent by 70 dollars and I told them I can not afford the much higher rent. I asked if they would negotiate a lower monthly rate or I would have to give a 30 days notice. I was told I would have to give a 60 days notice even though they only gave me a new 30 day renewal notice w/price is this correct?? Also the whole 9 years ans three management companies later I still have tile that has cracked across my whole front door, punch marks on my doors and metal stains in my bathroom sink
  • Hello I recently moved in my apartment on 8/15 at that time my air conditioning was not working blows out warm air. I notified the office they sent a technician over the same day. I told him my air doesn't work he TOLD me it does and changed the air filter. Which it did not. I contacted the leasing office again around 8/31. They called me left a message to speak with maintenance. I called back TWICE never got a response. My air did not get fixed until 9/16! And my electric is now shut off because I cannot pay a 850 dollar bill. Should the leasing office accommodate me for these times?
  • I’ve lived in my apartment for 8 years and they have never replaced my carpet. Is there any law that will force the property managers to replace my carpet.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program