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  • My question is about signing a lease and the rent is showing 745.00 a month which I signed on July 30th of this year. From 09/01/2015 to midnight 08/31/2016. I was told by the manager of the complex that there was a mistake was made by there computer and that the rent should have been for 796.62. This was told to me after I had sign my original lease. The manager wanted me to initial a additional paper to show that the computer should have shown that the rent was suppose to be 796.62.what I want to know is do I pay the 745.62 or the 796.62.
  • Where to Buy Kamagra Online at the Best Price without Prescription?

  • The rental agreement is month to month with a 30 day notice for either party. The renter paid rent Nov 1. On Nov 16, renter said the house was full of old cigarette smoke and couldn't live there so she gave 30 day notice. On Nov 23, she was gone along with all of her possessions leaving the room completely empty but she had paid up until November 30 and did not return the keys. She did not pay for Dec and I have damage deposit. Can I rent the room starting Dec 1 without repercussions from the renter.
  • Is a disabled person still responsible for arrears even when the court orders that the non custodial parent is unable to work?
  • If we own a house together, and i wanted to keep the house after thedivorce, is it possiable? I work from my home and i have paid the house payments for the past 6 years.
  • How do I find a record of payments made to me through Clearinghouse, my ex-husband stopped paying for 6 months because he changed jobs and says Clearinghouse screwed up the info. He has arreages of $1800.00 for those 6 months. He has been current since he finally set it up with Clearinghouse, but I need to show where he didn't pay. Can I get those records from Clearinghouse, and how????
  • When looking for a roommate, can I advertise "male only" so that the shared bathroom is used by only males. A female sharing a bathroom with a male could cause discomfort for the existing roommate. Is sexual discrimination illegal in Arizona for roommate situations?
  • Please describe what the courts look at for "best Interest for the child". Do they take into account what the child(ren) want?
  • I am a veteran I served my country with honor, and pride. I need information on how to acquire an audit from the V.A. debt management center. They have kept me in poverty over the last 30 years. If I still owe them anything shouldn't I be able to see what it is that I am still paying for. I would like to know where the funds they receive are being applied. My fixed income has been duned by the IRS to the tune of 20,000 dollars I was being duned by them and some how, I've managed to pay off the IRS, but the debt from the V.A. was just over 13,000for a foreclosed home. Please HELP.
  • Does one have to vacate premises immediately when served papers by sheriff. Rent has never been late. Got caught smoking in nonsmoking apartmrnt




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program