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  • My 16 year old lives with her older sister can her sister file for child support from their father?
  • what forms do i need to file for a response to modification of custody. what format do i use to put together the forms.
  • My child is 7 years old , I’ve been an only parent for nearly all of that time with the non custodial parent making inconsistent monthly visits for the first year of life and completely disappearing for the next 6 (by own choice). My child was unaware non custodial parent existed . They show up months ago requesting to meet child & now is demanding parenting time . Essentially I feel as though my child was abandoned by none custodial parent & would like to know what rights to custody and parenting time the absent parent is allotted to if any after being absent for 6 years?
  • My parental rights were severed do i have to wait until they turn 18 to contact them? How do I find them?
  • We pay child support but ex still wants us to help pay for things. Outside of child support . Isn't part of paying child support enough
  • 3 days ago I signed a year long lease. Now, 3 days after singing, the rent price has dropped substantially due to Covid19. I am also being cut back on hours drastically at work. I am wondering if i have any rights for them to honor the current rent price or if I have any rights due to extreme financial crisis. Since I can’t work, I can’t get paid or pay my rent. My lease has a statement of Force Majeure but it seems that’s only beneficial for the landlord. Any options as to how I legally not be in trouble for missed payments or termination of lease?
  • how do I stop my neighbor from tresspassing
  • What can i do to help my child when her teacher swats her without my consent and leave a big mark on her leg when she was suppose to swat on the but?
  • Im trying to establish paternity through the courts for my two year old son. A paternity test was completed by DDC and now I need to file however it states we need an affidavit from the mothers legal husband as she was and still is legally married, problem is he cannot be found last we knew hes a heroin addict living on the streets or possibly in prison. What can I do to file without an affidavit from him under these circumstances.
  • my 2 girls have lived with me always their dad has not seen them in months i let them go to idaho to see their family they now are threating to file.can they keep my kids from me until court




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program