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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • I had a job as a property manager which one of the perks was a free apartment. I was arrested off property for an non-work related reason. I spent four days in jail. The charges were later dropped. When I returned from jail, I was fired and locked out of my apartment. I believe it was wrongful termination, but that's another matter. My question is even though I was an employee, am I still not covered under the Arizona Landlord/Tenant Act? I think I should have had a 10 day Notice to Vacate.
  • I filed termination of month to month tenancy, summoned delivered, went to court the renter has to leave by dec,1 the renter has not paid rent I now have a 5 day notice to give the renter my question is can I place the notice on their door, or does it have to be done by the police, what if she stays away from the home and says she did not get the notice? can I place the notice on the car, do I have to give it to her in person? I do not have her mailing address to send a certified copy ty denise kaldes email [email protected]
  • I filed unemployment due to covid19 and was denied for an overpayment Back in 2014 that I was unaware of. Is there anything I can do to get my benefits due to pandemic?
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  • I live in an apartment complex and another tenant is harassing me. They banged on my door the other night for the longest time and then threw food on my car the same night. This started because I told my office that she was parking in 2 spots so no one else could park next to her. What can be done to protect my property?
  • This is an odd question for Arizona, but in the summer my landlord keeps the thermostat locked when he is in town. He is a rather large man, and keeps the A/C at 69 during the summer. Myself and my roommate nearly have to wear winter garments to be comfortable. Not only is this a waste of electricity, but it is extremely uncomfortable for his tenants. Is there anything I can do about this? Legally.
  • I was my mother's guardian/conservator. It's been 2 years that she passed away. She didn't have a will. My understanding is, I can't file informal probate. I NEED HELP, PLEASE
  • My landlord has yet to return my security deposit. She keeps saying "I'll do it soon" but doesn't. I don't think she has much intention of returning it soon. In her lease, it states she has 30 days to return security deposit, I was unaware that in AZ she only has 14. Since I signed her contract, do I have to wait the full 30 days or does AZ Law of 14 business days trump that?
  • My son was was recently taken from his father by CPS because he was suspected of substance abuse and unable to provide proper care. I'm the mother and was incarcerated at the time. CPS placed my son temporarily with his fraternal grandmother. I was released on Saturday so i have to wait for mMonday to contact CPS. Is there any reason why my son shouldn't be home with me? Would I be hurting my case if I showed up and brought my son home myself?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program