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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • I filled divorce last March 2010 and it was dismissed on April 30,2010 then I reinstate last May 2010? When will be the divorce final, from now I did not recieved any answer from the court?
  • need time limit in years to file medical malpractice in the state. need list of attorneys that can file for me
  • How may I obtain an audit of payments that I have made to the Department Of Veterans Affairs Debt Management Center. I have been having paying these people for apporx. 30 years. They have never stopped I have never faught them. I have been disabled for the last ten years. I am now on social security, and once again they are taking funds from a fixed income. I would like to get a full audit from 2005 forward. What can I do? One other thing they took funds from me while I was on V.A. pension.
  • Can a landlord raise my rent and switch my lease from a year-to-year to a month-to-month before the original lease is up?
  • Does someone who is in jail for not paying child support receive any credit toward his child support for each day he/she is incarcerated? The pastor from my church told me he believes it to be $100/day
  • My apartment , for the 5th time this year, as left a piece of paper outside my door with an open-ended notice of water being shut off for repairs. After about 5 hours, I've called for an update and they just say they don't know when it will be done. Is it within their rights to leave open-ended notices, not even in person, of utilities being cut? Do i have any rights in this matter as a paying tenant with a 5 month old who works from home?
  • I was told AZ was a state where what was bought durning the marriage belong to both partys is that true??
  • We received a judgement in out favor in Small Claims and then had a debtors examination that was a no show. How do we collect this debt?
  • My father who is 70 years old was approached by a Phoenix company. How do I find out if this company is legitimate? I think it's a scam and want to convince my Dad - as he is already filling out the paperwork. Thank you for your help in this matter.
  • I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

    Where to get Ativan without prescription?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program