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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • We hired a lawyer to file court papers to stop foreclosure. He did not file in time but He said he called bank and they said they would wait 1 more week to foreclose because our lawyer needed more time. The bank did not wait and foreclosed anyways (of course) our lawyer did not file proper paper work for that he just called the bank and they said ok Now we are losing our house and don't know who to get help from. We have paid thousands to these lawyers and are waiting to see if appeals court will take our case. We did what were suppose to do they did not Have lived here 31yrs. who can help
  • Does Arizona have any laws about the landlord calling/texting days before rent is due and EARLY morning of the day it is due according to the lease they have been doing this since moving in any info is appreciated thank u
  • My brother was convicted in Maricopa County of a Felony charge. He has filed a Notice of Post Conviction Relief. He had public defense at the time. Is there anyone that can help us find out what the status is on his NPC filing?
  • Can I see the apartment complex because they keep promising me that they are going to do something about the neighbor who screams at his girlfriend 24/7? I've been told he's not allowed on the property, yet i hear him yelling every single day. I've also heard the police come escort him off the property at least 3 times. He's here every single day. I'm sick of having to listen to this man yell constantly. What can I do?
  • My fiancee moved to Wisconsin (where we currently reside) three years ago. Shortly after arriving here, his ex girlfriend in Tuscon claimed she was pregnant with his child. She wanted him to pay child support that she decided without him signing the birth certificate and without a paternity test. He desperately wants to see if she is the father but she refuses to participate. Is there any legal way to force her to cooperate? Is he legally obligated to pay child support without being on the birth certificate if it is her fault he is not able to see the child?
  • My lease states that we are responsible for the "care and maintenance" of the appliances, the glass stove top broke during normal use and the landlord is requesting that we pay for it. If the appliance breaks under normal use, is that our fault? Are we responsible for it under "care and maintenance" ?
  • my daugther is a 14 yr old runaway she is with a 16 yr old and his mother is aware of this. i recently had order of protection papers served to his mother, but they will not surrender my daughter she is still staying there with them. what shall i do to get her back. is there a form i can fill out and take to court that will say surrender 1 week or less, what should i do. please help! thanks
  • Father of my autistic child is planning to take her out is state without telling me. Court order states he needs to give me 40 days notice/itinerary. I found out by word of mouth, what can be done. He is doing this at the end of the week. Can he be stopped , he threatened to take her away and I would never see her again if he doesn’t get what he wants in the past
  • Can I install grab bars, lower my countertops or make other needed modifications against my landlord’s objections?
  • The air conditioning has been out in our rental since Thursday night. I submitted a maintenance request to the management company that night. The heating and cooling repair man came out on Friday afternoon and said he would need to order a fan. When I called him on Saturday afternoon, he said it hadn't come in yet and that we would need to wait until Monday. Yesterday, he came with the fan and determined that the entire compressor unit needs to be replaced. The management company was unable to reach the owner until 7:30 last night. We still have not gotten an update on how long this will take.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program