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  • My daughter's biological father passed away 6 months after she was born. My husband of 4 years and I are expecting a child and he'd like to legally adopt my daughter and change her last name from my maiden name to my married name. What's required for this process? Are their forms for it? Thank you!
  • The apartment complex has not had gas for over a year what should we do?
  • I am a grandparent I have paid for everything for granddaughter since the day she was born now my daughter says I have never done anything for her and says that I'm not her grandmother what court papers do I need to file to get visitation with my granddaughter
  • How long does a landlord have to fix hot water?
  • I have just started to get my wages garnished agian from a car loan I had with a bank five years ago. I started a new job and was getting garnished from my last employment I had gotten my total down more then half and now that they have started garnishing at my new employment the total I owe has more then doubled off my original balance in which they sued me for in the beginging, my question is just how much intrest can a bank (not a collection agency) charge on a defaulted loan that is in the process of being garnished legally? I will end up being garnished for the next 6 years at this rate.
  • My daughter has a son with her ex-boyfriend. From the beginning the babys father wanted nothing to do with the baby. He wanted my daughter to abort. Now that the baby is 9 months old he always threatens my daugher that he will take her to court for custody. He does not give her money or buys anything for the baby. He always says that since wanted to have the baby she should deal with it herself. He has three other kids with his former wife. My daughter did put him on the baby's birth certificate. He feels forced into taking care of him. What can she do ?
  • New owner. She is trying to make the tenants sign a new lease. There are new rules about the size of animals and the use of recreational marijuana even with a medical card. What are the tenants rights. And can they refuse to sign the new lease? I'm pretty sire animals that are there are grandfathered in. I'm not sure about what the mobile home owners cn do about the rest. The tena ts are talkimg not signing new leases. Please help.
  • I have a domestic violence charge against me and although I had it set aside, I still can not get a job in AZ. I need to know how long this conviction, which is a misdemeanor, stays on my record?
  • My boyfriend was arrested last night for aggravated assault against me. I told the police that he has a history of mental illness and that he needed to go to a psychiatric hospital but they took him to jail anyway. I am not pressing charges but I am afraid the state will. How do I help him get the charge dropped and get mental help?
  • I filed and received an Order Of Protection, including the exclusive rights to my house and property. That was around the 3rd of June. The Judge said they would serve it at no cost by that day or the very next day. They did not make it by on the same day. The next day everyone had to leave the house due to the house being chemically fumigated. So the Order was not served. I assumed they would return and they have not. Also the police have been back to the house since then due to the same reasons I acquired the Order. I told them about the Order and they made it seem like its not valid? Is that true?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program