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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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  • My grandchild is being held by CPS. Can I get emergency custody of my grandchild? I live in Washington state, but I can come get her.
  • My spouse has taken me off health insurance benefits and we are currently in the middle of the divorce process. It is my understanding that my spouse cannot do this until the divorce is final. Is there a way or a law that states my spouse must leave me on health insurance benefits until the divorce has been final?
  • I live in a home which I own. My fiance moved in with me. we are now splitting up. how do i legally get her out. she wont leave on her own.
  • Hello, My Ex-Husband is stationed in Germany, he is the Air Force, He is trying to take my kids or the summer, which is fine, but i am afraid that he will not return them, what kind of paperwork would i have to file to guaretee my kids return to me? plz help
  • I have a protection order agains my boyfriend. We were never married but he told the police we were. He was allowed to drive my truck but he had to pay truck payment and car insurance. He stopped doing that and without my permission he took the truck to the east coast. He also violated the protection order. No way to contact him and now he getting violation for tolls in New York that I am receiving in the mail. Police will not report it stolen. What can I do?
  • My apt complex rented me a place that has black mold growing inside the walls and they are giving me a hard time about doing anything my neighbor has pictures showing the black mold from last March and they wont see them or do anything about it. What can I do. Can I break my lease do to unhealthy living conditions. can I sue them
  • I hired a moving company to move my stuff from WI to AZ (company is based in IL.) Upon reviewing the contract I discovered bad math, but I had already signed. When my stuff got here, I had to pay the remaining $650 in cash to the driver or he would return my items to IL and be charge for them holding my items. I was then pressured to place a $0 in the what is due. However, my issue is that they had overcharged me. The driver would not deal with any of those issues and I had to pay him. If I file a claim do I have a chance to be granted my overpayment, or am I SOL due to the $0 on balance due.
  • Can a landlord ask for security deposit first months rent and last months rent before move in ?
  • i need direction in finding a class were i can take for reinterduction so that i may see my children
  • What information will the judge accept as germane to this appeal? Appeal of UC benefits for voluntary quit. UC was granted: based on "...inharmonious relations with a fellow employee....You voluntarily left with good cause." The employer was stating that "...while being given a performance improvement plan, she became upset and resigned." This is not accurate. Job abandonment and failure to provide written notification cited. I have an email 061313 from my supervisor in response to my leaving because of the current unresolved tensions with a co worker. I have a performance eval. merit pay




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program