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  • Is the landlord responsible for trash and sewer in the state of AZ?
  • Someone posted a no trespassing sign ARS 13-1502-A1 on some idle land my neighbors and I have traditionally use for access to county trails. It is suspect. How can I tell if this is a legitimate sign, or if someone just bought it off the internet to scare his neighbors away? (same party strung cable accross a common access road in June and injured a bicyclist) . thx!
  • Unclaim property let me explain me and my husband got married bought a trailer off of mcdowell rd and 44st he passed away when we moved from the trailer park we did not sell it but the trailer park no longer there XXXXXX trailer park i looked up unclaim property and my name pops up can someone help me on what i need to do
  • My ex stole my dog. I adopted her while we were dating, her adoption paperwork is in my name ONLY. We have since broken up, and he took her without my permission and will not return her. One cop said it's theft of personal property, but suggested trying to deal with it directly with my ex first, then follow up if she wasn't returned. I followed up and the next cop I talked to said it's not theft of personal property because I adopted her while in the relationship with my ex, and the adoption paper doesn't matter even if my ex and I were never married so it's not a criminal issue. Is this true?
  • My 85 year old mother passed away suddenly on May 25. 2013. She had a lease and a security deposit of $200.00. The apartment complex has suddenly (after 3 months of attempting to get it returned after perfect walk through results) decided that I am not able to get any security deposit. Also, refuse to return my extra monies paid to stay for 14 days to remove my mother's items. I was assured that all of the money would be returned to me but now that they have a new owner, they state that they will not return any of the money that they agreed to return to me. AZ law states that they were to notify me within 14 days if any problems with refund with her security deposit or they have to pay double the amount back. Is this applicable in this case? I have continuously attempted to contact them regarding this issue and I finally got a bunch of passing the blame answers and this is three months late.
  • what has to go through probate court after death of a spouse when everything is in my name too
  • How do I apply online for AHCCCS?
  • My ex wife and I have been divorced for 18 months and it involved two kids. Our divorce decree and final agreement is filed in Rogers County Oklahoma. I now live in Arizona and have since the separation in May of 05. This summer my son came to visit and he has been asking his mom if he could live here and she gave me written and verbal permission that he could and now he has been here for 3 months with the agreement that we would modify the final agreement and child support. He is enrolled in school and school activities and after school activities and is doing very well. She is now wanting him to come back to Oklahoma and I want to file documents to keep her from doing this........can I do it here in Arizona or does he have to be here for a certain amount of time? Where can I go to get more info on the net?
  • Can i file for a petition for paternity if the child isn’t born yet? If not when is the soonest i can?
  • I purchased a condo in October 2019. My inspection identified several repairs needed. I was assured those were the responsibility of the HOA. What was not disclosed is that in November there would be a vote on a Special Assessment, which passed, and now I have a bill for $4800. The seller had been made aware of this for months, but never gave me that information during our negotiations. Do I have any recourse for the seller to be responsible for all or part of this special assessment since it was not disclosed on the statements provided to me?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program