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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • I have co signed for my adult son for the last 3 years. A new property management company took over the lease for the last 3 month. The new property management company did not inform me that they took over the lease. My son gave a 30 day notice on January 5 2018. He paid January rent. The new property management company says he is responsible for February rent as well. They are informing me now that I need to pay February because I am a co signer. (My son is now a student and can not afford the rent) Question: Are we responsible for February 2018 rent because the 30 days went from 01/05/2018?
  • My husband & I both agree on the dissolution of our covenant marriage. We have filed with Maricopa County Courts. I need to know if I have the proper forms to include with the standard forms given to me thru the court house.
  • Iinherited my mothers house and itis alreadyin my name, but her estate is still in probate. I was also appointed personal rep bymy mother. the problem I'm having ismy youngest sister will not leave my house. She even has other people livingthere with her. The house still has all of my mothers assets in it, my sis chgd locks and I cannot enter any longer. How can I get her out?
  • My husband and I need to change executors of our will due to health issues of our first choice of executor and due to carelessness of second choice person. Our will was done in Northern Nevada in 2007, we moved to Arizona in December of 2017. We would like to know if we can get help with this issue due to our lo-income and my husband's health. Thank you.
  • What information will the judge accept as germane to this appeal? Appeal of UC benefits for voluntary quit. UC was granted: based on "...inharmonious relations with a fellow employee....You voluntarily left with good cause." The employer was stating that "...while being given a performance improvement plan, she became upset and resigned." This is not accurate. Job abandonment and failure to provide written notification cited. I have an email 061313 from my supervisor in response to my leaving because of the current unresolved tensions with a co worker. I have a performance eval. merit pay
  • I recently had another child with my current wife. I have 2 children with my ex wife I would like to modify my child support since I have another child in my life which is the correct form to fill out and can I do this without going to court being that I live in a diffrent state than my ex and kids?
  • I am already covered by AHCCCS. I was recently married and was wondering if I can add my husband to be covered under my insurance?
  • I am 17 years old , and a mother to a 1 year old , Am I legally emancipated ?
  • Last night I rented a room at the Friendship Inn and paid for 4 nights. The room was filthy. In the middle of the night I saw every species of insect know to man walking around. I have checked out, but they refused to give me back the rest of the money for the unused nights. What can I do?
  • hi I have a 4 year old who I want to change his last name to my boyfriends last name because the name he has now is my ex so what do I do to make it the guy I am with now? an how much is it?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program