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  • When does a foreclosure come off a credit report? Seven years from the date the loan went into foreclosure, from the date of last payment or from the date of the sale at auction?
  • I had a boyfriend move from another state into my apartment. It has been about 5 months, since he moved in. Things are not working out between us and I have told him that I don’t want to be with him. He is not on my lease and will not leave my apartment. I have told him several times to leave and even told him he had 30 days to get out of my apartment. He is verbally abusive and scares me. How do I get him out of my home? Can I legally change the locks when he is not there?
  • A few years ago, my father went bankrupt and, because I could not bear to see him homeless, I did everything I could to find an affordable home and allow him to leave in the house with me. Throughout my life, my relationship with my father has not been good and I have put up with it because, well, he is my father. I hope you understand this. It has been 2 years and his verbal abuse and demands have not ceased, they have actually escalated. Would there be any action that can be taken to evict my father from the house?
  • My daughters dad just passed away and me and him both have custody of my daughter . My daughter is with his mom right now but I want her with me . How can i go get her without running into any problems ?
  • If a child is charged with domestic violence against a parent and the child is 16, does this stay on the childs record permately?
  • My landlord sent me a 5 day pay or quit notice to my place of employment, along with a copy to my work email,I work at a large company of about 2k, mail is not given to us directly. It is opened by a mail room clerk and then distributed (if they feel it is work related) to the appropriate dept managers. My work email automatically sends acknowledgements when you open an email. So I know my landlord received this acknowledgement. My question, is can my landlord send me this 5 day notice to my place of work? Is the signature from the mail clerk acceptable in court?
  • I've been handling my divorce on my own. So far I've found all the forms online. Now I've run into a wall, I can't find where to download the forms, that will get me subpoenas, or tell me how/where to get em. If anyone can help with this, I'd be very grateful.
  • I am a victim of domestic violence and had to terminate my lease the apartment did the walk out and told me that you do to me putting wax on the tile vinyl they had to replace the whole entire unit and charge me over $2000 even though it did not state in the lease that I could not put any product on the floor am I responsible
  • I live with my ex girlfriend. It has become turbulent. The past year plus she has physically/verbally/objects thrown at me/harassing email-text/threats on my life-police-suing me etc. This is a daily event. I have been told by family to file a PFA. She has no car and we dont know anybody here(From out of state). I work at home and pay 99% of the bills. Along with all the above issues my business is is also affected affected(I am forced out of the apartment almost daily). I am concerned that if I get a PFA they will ask me to leave because I have a car(she does not)--now what?-plus im a guy?
  • Can a employer ask for my age and social security number on an online application before I have been offered job and hired?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program