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  • i live in a mobil home park my manager has refused my daughter to ever come visit me because shes a felon can they do that?
  • Who can evict me. My landlord does not own property. His sister does. I refused to pay this months rent. I have a part of my ceiling exposed because the ceiling fell due to water damage. Insulation exposed, black mold is there. MLandlord sent 5 day eviction notice in mail. text me that he will be giving me a letter tomorrow saying he is inspecting home on Sunday. What do I do? I was hospitalized late June. Could not find what caused illness. Thought it was a stroke. I was in a SNF. Got better. Once I came home, I am again suffering from headaches again, tired so are my children Mold in AZ too
  • I was discharge from bankruptcy chapter 13 in march of 2013. the main purpose was to keep my home which I owed $1,300. at the time of my bankruptcy in 2009 I had quantum servicing as my servicer. and as 8-2013 I have statebridge. they say that I am behind on my payments as of 1-2012 because thats how quantum gave them my account. my trustee paid quantum in 2010 the $1,300 how can they say I owe money. I have been trying to get a hold of quantum to have them explain the situation with no luck. now im in foreclosure again. I know something illegal is going on with the servicing companies,but I
  • Our 16 year old son became aggressive after a shopping outing and began beating up my wife taking her to the ground. We are wondering what legal options we have since the answer we are getting from all agencies is that we just have to deal with it and work it out ourselves. We are looking for help of any kind including juvenile detention or detainment in a health facility. I am afraid to leave the house if our son is there and afraid of what he might do in the middle of the night since he has uttered death threats.

    Where to get Tramadol (ultram) without prescription?

  • My ex husband currently has temporary custody of our three kids. The order was granted for a year. That year has past already and since then I have made great progress in life. It was my decision to give their father the kids because after he abandoned me and the kids, I was having a difficult time trying to support myself and my kids. Throughout our 13yr marriage I was a stay at home mother as he requested, so being as such, gaining stability did not come easy. Now that I have stability he makes it hard to be active in our kids lives. How do I regain rights to my kids?
  • I was married to my ex-husband for 11 years. He served in Air Force until he retired. Nothing regarding his retirement is in our divorce decree. Can I collect some his pension under the Former Spouse Retirement Act?
  • If a writ of eviction is issued after a foreclosure, must the new owner store the evicted person's goods, or are they put out on the street?
  • My niece used drugs in the past, paid for her crimes with a jail time. Upon release she regained custody of her two boys. She cleaned up/turned her life around. She remarried and had a third child. Her mother having had the boys during her jail stay became too attached/ makes up complaints abuse even puts things in the boys. She speaks ill of my niece to the boys trying to make them resent their mother. The boys 5/7 want to be with their mom & brother. The grandmother claims abuse but only wants the two older children. She says she has grandparent rights forcing my niece to comply with her every wish. Does my niece have to let the grandmother continue to see the kids? It is causing the boys much confusion.
  • I don't know how to classify my question, by is very important and I need a lawyer help or advice. I'm starting a non-profit organization and I need help with the steps to follow. Do you or do you know someone that can help me and that don't charge me an arm and a leg for the help? I've been calling several places and they wouldn't be able to do that because they are not doing the service free or their charge are too much. Please let me know where I can go or to who I can call to get the help.
  • What is the Family and Medical Leave Act?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program