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  • How many months can a landlord write a residential lease for.
  • if we court order to see my grand daughter and the mother is now holding her from coming over cause she got mad at the father wont let her come over she does this all the time its away of her getting back at him and hurting him she is selfish my grand daught adore he father.
  • Can a mother get in trouble if they know their 30 year old daughter is in a abusive relationship. How can the help legally?
  • My wife and i separated(not legally) about a year ago. She claimed she couldn't find work in Arizona. She asked for my permission to take our kids to texas for a few months to work and save money. She has sinced refused to return the kids and come back to Arizona. We both signed and had notary stamped a written agreement but she failed to honor it. She has no work currently but yet will not return our boys. Any help or council would be appreciated. I plan on filling divorce in arizona and petition shared custody in the next few days. What can i do to get my kids back?
  • who do i call if i have not gotten my child support payment in 2 weeks

    Where to get Ozempic, Wegovy, Rybelsus without prescription?

  • I assigned a 30 day reservation to rent a unit from a person who later was discovered is not the owner or the tenant on the lease. When I contacted the owner and the management the 30 day reservation is against the rules of the facility. We also received made up fines from the person lying that they were generated from the homeowners association when I spoke to the homeowners association there was no such fine ever levied how much is the satiation call the police and has a police report from this particular person being fraudulent. Where do we go for help to get our deposit back. Is this person even our landlord
  • Ok my son n his first baby mama when tto court the judge give him time with his son like tueaday n thursday from 2 to 5 n fridays over nite she never have follow those orders now sience he was a baby now he is 4 n he been living with me n his dad she have drop him off two months ago she dont call him or come see him ahe have two other kids but she dont do anything about my grandson i put him in school i get foodstamps for him in i clain him on my taxes my son ia going to California what can i do am scared she comes n takes him he said he dont want to go with his mom what can i do can u plz
  • Can a landlord make you pay for the removal of bed bugs when you did not bring them in. They came in from another Apt. In the building. Other apts have them.
  • if i was being called names at work by my boss and i quit because i could not take it any more can i still get unemployment compensation .
  • My brother is paying his ex gf child support for two daughters. One turned 18 years old and moved out of the mother's home. Does my brother still pay the child support even though his 18 year old daughter isn't living with her mother?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program