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  • can a park keep people below 50 from buying into park
  • What if my employer does not believe my reason for the leave?
  • My fiances' ex-wife received over $100,000 in an informal inheritance- her and her brother sold property and split the equity. His payments are current and we see his son regularly. Would her receiving the inheritance change his child support obligation?
  • My Husband’s Brother (14) is going to come live with us, He currently lives in CO w/ Mother in an unsettling environment (alcoholism, neglect, severe verbal abuse, “No one will take u because no one loves you. You’re worthless. Etc” We know said Mother will not provide any monetary support and will continue to cash his SS as his legal guardian. After 6 months in these circumstances will we have grounds to petition for legal custody on grounds of abandonment? And is there any legal loop hole that will grant us the ability to file for custody IN AZ prior to 6 months?
  • If my ex gets married and has another child in that marriage, can he request to lower his child support payments because he has another child to take care of?
  • The father doesn’t pay for any expenses of our 1 year old. The baby is with me 24/7 he visits every once in a while for maybe an hour a week but doesn’t bring anything or try to help. I have been seeing into putting him on child support since I do not currently work and my parents (baby’s grandparents) are basically the ones paying for all the expenses but I looked into the “child support calculator” and only $50 a month comes up as what he would pay and I’m wondering if it’s even worth going through the trouble for such a low amount. Is that thing accurate or would I have to talk to a lawyer?
  • How much would it cost to change your last name after marriage through the court?

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  • I'm 19 parents are divorced, dad has been supporting me, wondering if the child support could come directly to me instead of my mother I never see any of the child support, if not can I sue my mother for the child support, since a lot of the time I'm at my boyfriends apt, staying there, my mother says that he should be supporting me since I stay over there, she is money hungry, she is also supposed to be paying on school loans, she's not. What can I do?
  • We are senior citizens. A bank is offering us a home loan that we assumed was fixed interest-the rate dropped a fraction, even-then I happened to notice an unfamiliar phrase with a tiny checked box-'demand feature'. I looked it up: the bank can demand payment, calling the loan, at any time without giving a reason. It said that some states prohibit that practice. Is Arizona one? Calling the loan could destroy us and force the property into foreclosure.
  • Is it legal to sell meat without the weight and cost per pound identified?

    Where Can I Buy Phentermine Online at Lowest Price without Prescription?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program