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  • cps took my kids because i tested positive for methamphetamines but i dont do that.i believe the test showed a false positive for medication that i have taken what can i do? what are my rights?
  • Yes my wife has had custody of her niece since she was 6 months old her niece now is almost 7 years old the biological mother is now starting to show up in the picture but only reason why she is the picture is because she has had another baby in the last 3 months cps was involved because she was dirty with meth i just wanna know what rights does my wife have because the biological n the grandmother have been arguing with my wife bout taking the 7 year old back but the 7 year old know as mom n dad
  • The house is under contract "as is", delay in closing (1 month, then 3 more months due to divorce not yet finalized). Owner-to-be is paying rent month to month. Without permission or notice has rectified plumbing, tree, electric situations and now wants seller-to-be to pay expenses. Since it is under contract "as is", does seller-to-be have to pay anything?
  • Where to Buy Kamagra Online at the Best Price without Prescription?

  • I got married in the US, but my spouse is a Korean citizen and never lived here, just visited. He went back to korea and got a divorce over there (mutual). Now he is legally divorced thru korean court and I have the official notarized court documents. Is it automatically accepted here in the USA? I am trying to get married again to someone else and want to make sure we are allowed to now.
  • I'm 17, I bought a car from my aunt, with MY money, and my dad put it under his namename until I turn 18, so Now we move toto Ga from PaPa, and I want to move back and do my senior year. (I'll be 18 mind you) and now they say they won't give me my car till graduation, which will make it hard to move back toto pa to do my senior year and graduate.They also said they won't lay me any money I paid fo it.
  • I am renting a home and we are responsible or pest control but we have found 5 scropins in 3 weeks I took pictures and sent them to our landlord are they responsible to do anything? I am from Wisconsin and have no clue about this problem they claim they have never had this issue. I also have young children whom live with me.
  • I want to change Back to my maiden name. I am not legaly divorced. I have been seperated to 18 years and have no idea where my husband is. Can I file for a legal name change without being divorced?
  • my boyfriends mother has had gaurdianship of our daughter for about two years. what are our rights as her parents??? also she wont even lets us be alone with her??? my fiencee and i are well established with jobs and a nice apartment. what can we do??? please help!!! thank you
  • I don't know if you can help us or maybe direct us to someone who can. KayKay Properties took over as managers of our apartment building. This is not an assisted living facility, but regular low income senior apartments. I am one of the original tenant and the other original tenants and we have gone through several managers. But this company has come in and is trying to dictate to us, change rules that make so sense and threaten with evictions. We have been told that none of our grandchildren under the age of 18 can spend the night with us anymore, if they do, we will be evicted. If someone is on medical marijuana they can't smoke it in their apartment, they have to leave the building and smoke in the parking lot. If they smoke in the building they will be evicted. We can't go to check out mail in our robes, if we do we will be evicted. They will spray for roaches, but we have to count the number of dead ones, and if they have to spray again we have to pay for it. If we don't pay for the exterminator, we will be evicted. If any of us are ill and need family or friends to help us, we have to let management know who they are, where they work and how much they make, if guessed it, we will be evicted. Please, we need someone who can help this is like living in a communist community. Rose Turman 602 599 1033




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program