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  • i'm unsure if i am able to apply for child support if my child's father moved out of the country...
  • How do I download the forms for annulment
  • I have 2 kids, ages 1 & 2. I have for the same company for 5 years. The father of my kids and I split up about 8 mos ago. Since the split we have shared custody. I drop the kids off before work (4 days a week w/his grandma watching them) and pick them up after work on 2 of the days, the other 2 they usually spend the night there. He has recently filed in court for joint custody and child support. He is unable to hold a steady job for more than a few months at a time. He also has a history of drug use and violence. Am I at risk of loosing custody due to work? Should I put my kids in daycare?
  • i am in the bad check program with the pima county attorney they are insisting that i pay 3 times more than i can afford, i have given my pay stub and my tax return and pay an amount montly that i can afford and every 3 months they put a warrant out for my arrest and i have to go to court, what can i do
  • My daughters father and i currently have a vistation order from the court, he gets her every other weekend. I want to move in the future because i do not like the town im living and want to move to a safer area closer to my family. there is a chance my Fiance could be getting a job in another part of florida, how would i be able to get permission to move if the father doesnt agree
  • If the father is not listed on the birth certificate can you stillget chils support
  • My lease ended on a Sunday. I contacted landlord on Monday to set up walk-through. I was told I needed to return the keys prior to scheduling a walk-though. I returned the keys on Tues. Now Landlord is charging me 2 days additional rent for not returning the keys. Is he allowed to do this?
  • I have been legally separated for 7 years and would like to obtain a divorce, what are the procedures for it?
  • when a commisioner signes a court order with /s/ instead of a real signature, is this still a legal signature. I was reading that if a judge wasn't to sign a court order that it mean other things - this is why I ask.
  • I was court ordered to pay a certain amount of child support ($1000) My income has changed drastically due to job change. I cannot afford to pay the full amount of the court order but have still been making monthly payments every month ($200). My ex now wants me to go to jail for not paying full payment. Is this possible?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program