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  • I live with my ex girlfriend. It has become turbulent. The past year plus she has physically/verbally/objects thrown at me/harassing email-text/threats on my life-police-suing me etc. This is a daily event. I have been told by family to file a PFA. She has no car and we dont know anybody here(From out of state). I work at home and pay 99% of the bills. Along with all the above issues my business is is also affected affected(I am forced out of the apartment almost daily). I am concerned that if I get a PFA they will ask me to leave because I have a car(she does not)--now what?-plus im a guy?
  • Can the parents agree to pay the child support directly to the other parent without using the clearing house?
  • If i got evicted for not paying the rent on my space but i own the trailer and have my title can i still sell it
  • The back sliding door in our rental home has a broken lock. I have requested repairs be done and the landlord said he would fix it but it has been over 6 months and it has still not been repaired. I do not feel safe in my home because I can not lock the door and someone could come in and harm me. What can I do to remedy this situation. Do I have any rights? Is this a health and safety issue? Is the landlord required to make sure the back door lock is in working condition?
  • My boyfriend & I moved in together. Well he left 10 days ago & yesterday he came & got some stuff, I messaged him to see if he was coming back for anything else well I got no response then This morning he semt a text to the landlord & told him he had moved out & actually he had been gone for awhile!! So if he comes back can I tell him to go & the stuff is mine since he told the landlord he moved out?
  • If my friend is my beneficiary on my bank account,and he owes back child support can my account be garnished? and he does not have access to my account
  • My ex has an order of protection on me. I am also on probation because of our relationship issues. I have to report all her attempts to contact me to my p.o. She has sent many threats, msgs, and requests I contact her. I have filed a police report against her, and victim svcs has told her to stop, but she now uses my p.o.'s name in her msgs while advising me that there is nothing either vic svcs, my p.o., nor TPD can do beyond advising her not to contact me, but I will go to prison if I reply. How can I protect myself against her? I have reason to fear further action by her.
  • The child support worksheet has childcare listed, what does the word discretionary mean next to it? My children's father is suppose to pay childcare costs and now refusing because he says the word discretionary means its up to him to decide. Is that right? This amount is also a factor in figuring out the final child support amount? He pays 452.80 for 3 kids. But refuses to pay the childcare...just need some advice. Thx
  • My mother passe away and I am the beneficiary of her home according to her will. My name is not on the title of the home. What steps should I take to get the house before it goes into probate?
  • I have shared custody with ex husband (divorced 2005) with our 16 year old. He has had residential custody since 2011. He was abusive to our now 24 year old and has repeated physical and mental abuse with our 16 yr old. I can't afford legal counsel and live in a different state. What can be done from my current state of residence to obtain physical custody asap. The State Agency and police officers prior have stated that it's just discipline. What 200 lb man needs to choke, hold down on floor with knee in chest to discipline a less than 130 lb girl? Very smart. Honor roll student.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program