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  • Does the parent still pay child support when the child is with them for vacation
  • We have Jount Custody, with I being Primary. His parenting time is every other weekend. He is moving 175 miles away soon, do I have to meet him halfway without going to court first? I do not have reliable transportation due to him being $10,0000 behind in Child support. Would I be in contempt or would he need to get a court date to first change the parenting time to include meeting half way? Currently he is to pick them up at school and drop them back off at school, as we do not get along. Does that remain in effect till legally changed?
  • My toilet and shower are both not in working condition. Water is coming up out of the drain in my shower and my toilet ng is unable to flush. Is there a time limit for which the complex has to fix it? What do they have to do until they do fix it? What are my rights?
  • Are there any resources that provide free or reduced cost defense for criminal misdemeanors in Phoenix? I cannot afford an attorney since I have been living pay check to pay check trying to pay off a $3000 title, but I do not qualify for a court appointed attorney ( bc state not seeking jail time) and do not qualify for any of the reduced/free legal aid programs on this site since without deducting bills I make about $2000 a month. Please help, as I do not want to defend myself at trial for criminal matters alone. It seems so unfair and unjust.
  • In Arizona, can I move out at the age of sixteen with parental consent? I plan to move to Wyoming, I will have a place to live immediately upon arrival. I will have a part time job and plan on graduating high school.
  • What can I do if I feel my 9 year old is not being properly cared for in the other parent's home that I currently share joint custody with? For example, most recently the other parent left our child at a nearby apartment complex pool with another 9 year old completely alone and unsupervised or accompanied by any other adult (the kids were the only ones there) for over an hour while the other parent allegedly walked to a gas station to purchase alcohol. My child also complains that the other parent is using drugs in front of him. Is this considered neglect and what are my options?
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  • In Arizona, can a creditor get a prejudgment garnishment against my funds in my bank checking account?
  • I want to know how and where to proceed with collecting my money that was finalized with my divorce such as the 401k plan that I was awarded and my child support for 1,064 dollars a month that I havent recieved and if there is a time frame in collecting this money
  • I am 32 yra old and am trying to find out who my father is for medical purposes. I know and suspect of a person but how do i get him to come here to take a dna test?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program