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  • Can a son sign over his house to his father if he can no longer afford to make the payments?
  • I left home with few belongings because of domestic abuse. I obtained an order of protection,which he has violated,been arrested for & released. Husband filed for divorce listing my separate things to be mine. No other divisions of property was mentioned. They are at the house, house in his name, he changed the locks, can I get them with police escort now or must I wait til the divorce is final? Who would contact him about my coming? I am not planning on responding to summons.He is saying that he will dispose of all things if I do not remove them right away as he wants them out of his house.
  • Iam a 82 year old widow living on my husbands retirement and ss . My house is paid of , but I pay a small common fee . I recently took out a 130000 loan against my house to help my Granddaughter build a new house . She is now going through a divorce and is not paying me for the loan ( always two months late). The bank is threatening forclosure against my home I am living in. I was going to take a loan against my retirement to pay off the loan . The new house is in my Granddaughters name and her ex is living in it . Can I have my name put on the house and have her pay me rent without bad tax implications. I have three children that this house should be on the estate . The bank has been sending preforclosure papers against the house I live in . I am afraid I am going to lose everything . My Grandaughter refuses to sell her house snd pay me back . I dont want to hurt her . I was only trying to help . She has a new baby
  • If I have sole custody of my son (age3) and my ex (who is not biologically related to my son) has visitation rights under loco parentis, do I need to have his permission to let my son visit his grandparents out of state? And how long can my son be out of sate to visit his grandparents?
  • My son's landlord has not fixed his cooler for more than 10 days. It is so hot he can't stsy there has been staying at his grandmother's. What can he do to get the landlord to complete repairs?
  • we are fighting to get our child back from foster care. why do I have to pay child support if we plan on getting her back?
  • I agreed to lease my condo to a women and her two small children for $600. a month with a $400. deposit. She gave me $310. to hold the condo. I mailed her the lease for her to sign and never received it back. She has been in the condo for 2 months now and has only paid $300. towards the rent and deposit. I place an eviction notice on her door as she will not answer her phone. She responded see you in court. What can I do?
  • I am the guardian of my 2 grandchildren (their mother is my oldest daughter) she had been in a domestic violence situation with the kids dad (he is in prison until July 2016) she lives with friends, no job, possible drugs. He does drugs and has a new girlfriend pregnant. I do not want either of them to obtain children EVER. What can I do to protect the kids and myself since Arizona tends to want to reunite children and parents. This is not a good idea with either of the biological parents. I love them to much to have them suffer. Guardian since 2010, they are age 9 and 6. suggestions?
  • Feb. 14,2014 Husband and I had a resolution meeting where he was suppose to rollover the per deim of his 401k plus 6k. it is on the paperwork to do so. It is now almost a year over and no surprise, he hasn't done a damn thing or how do I get him to or even know it is the correct amount? what if he has taken it all out by now? please help. I didn't say anything for I hoped he had done it and I just never got the paperwork, but I am pretty sure he didn't even attempt to. what can I do? sue him? hire my lawyer again? can I make him pay for my lawyer if I do have to get her involved again?
  • When can I give my 30 day notice if I'm on a month to month agreement?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program