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  • My ex-husband wants to give up right to our kids .(I think so he wont have to pay child support)And asked if my current husband would adopt them. My question is how long is this process and how much would it cost IF I ever decided to go along with it?
  • My refrigerator has stopped working since Jan 27,2018 (Sat) I have made reports to the agent who is in control of the unit. She has informed me that they will have to buy a new fridge but has not given me any specific time line for when this fridge is to be bought n delivered. I spoke with her on the issue yesterday voicing my concerns and she hang up on me. I have withhold my months rent which was due yesterday, and sent her a 10 days repairs form to which she has not responded. I have been buying daily food items to eat and have lost over $250 currently on items that was refrigerated.
  • Our parents passed away two months ago and in their Will they appointed me guardian of my fourteen year old, half sister. Her grandparents don't like me and want to gain custody of her. Their son always said he never wants them to have my sister because of how he was raised. Our parent's assets are split between us so I will be able to take care of her until she comes of age to get her half. Please help. I can't get through this hard time without her with me.
  • I live in an eight unit cluster of small houses and duplexes. The property has been inundated by tenants with dogs. The problem is the increased noise level from almost constant barking. The property managers are making money off the presence of the dogs and flat-out don't care. I'm being harassed by my neighbor. She makes her dog bark at all hours of the day and night. Any recourse?
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  • My ex-husband has made the choice to move 1 hour away from his daugther. We have joint custody however he is telling me I have to meet him halfway for drop off and pickup on his weekends. Is this correct?
  • My mom and dad were seperated for many years but still married. She passed away. Her will was changed not long before she died making the man she lives with the beneficiary. Isn't my dad still entitled to her estate, or a percentage of it if still legally married
  • I am an unwed mother, who filed for restraining order against the father, a few months after the birth of our son. I understand that I am legally the sole custodian until we establish paternity. The father is in the birth certificate. If let’s say, I lost all contact and have no idea where the father is since we had a restraining order, how will I reach him if I decide one day to go to court and file abandonment and hope to obtain a sole custody written court order?
  • ARS28-627 empowers local municipalities to enforce parking on highway/streets within their jurisdication. What ARS empowers local municipalities to enforce parking on private property? i.e grocery store parking area
  • I filed for a temporary order for parenting time and sent the papers to the last known address, and the papers were returned to me. What happens if i don't get them delivered because I have no clue where he lives at, with my children? Does my childrens father have the right to keep his address from me when there's no custody order and I also have a order of protection against him




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program