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  • i need some help asap to fill divorce paper i have 2 children and never work always stayed home
  • My home 8s foreclosed and sold back ti the mirgager. Iwhen the papers were served to me, the company from which i was paying on a water softener system and still paying ons name were on the papers, too. What does that mean?
  • Went to probate court and got it, now mortgage company gives me two days for me to short sale it or they will sell in five days. Do I have any legal rights.
  • Can my landlord change how much I pay rent 3 months after I signed an agreement for a lower amount
  • I live in a house at my parents on their both deceased and I want to file bankruptcy on the house I'm only the void foreclosure can I do this legally
  • If house is foreclosed on, what does the new owner need to provide to the old owner and how long does the the old owner have to get out by law?
  • where are the laws ,rules,guidelines of parenting plans during a divorce?  Husband wont do mediation just wants trial.I want to start planning for daughter homeschooling during summer how do I plan ahead and enforce? we have no parenting plan agreed on.thnak you
  • I have had a serious leak in my garage from rain for just over 2 years. The landlord keeps having me tale time out of my day to meet with roofers that patch things but do not fix. when its not fixed he will hire a different roofer because they all tell him all the tile needs to be pulled up and redone. it is still not fixed and we are having mold issues. I have buckets to collect water in the 2 spots it leaked every time it rains. I have taken several hours off work for this and still nothing is correct. What can I do as a renter to get this fixed?
  • Recently, I have been put under a the protection of a restraining order with out my consent. It lasts one year and I do not wish to remain under it for that long. I'm going to turn 18 in a few months. Is it possible to take the protection of the restraining order off of me when I turn 18?
  • What is the purpose of child support and what can the obligee use the money for?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program