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  • father is not paying court ordered support, how do I file for contempt of court
  • My apartment community has changed ownership several times since I moved in 4 years ago. I discovered that my unit was wired to provide electricity for one of the apartment amenities that was outside of my unit. The management has fixed the problem but they are only offering to reimburse me for the time that they owned the property, about 13 months and told me that I would have to track down the previous owners for the rest of the money. Should they be obligated to pay a rebate for the 3 years that I was paying for their electricity or do I indeed need to take it up with the previous owners
  • If I agree to Sole custody with my ex wife, does that give up my rights as a father to allow in the future my dauther to be adopted?
  • I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

    Where to get Ativan without prescription?

  • My lease is over in 2 months and iam not going to be able to pay it have tio move what can i do.
  • I have received tax bill from the IRS for $630 plus charges of $284 from 2011 I have no money except my SS- $725 plus food stamps and cannot pay and I am just over a bout of throat cancer treatment and can not work or add to my income so find it impossible to pay the tax and the penalty can you point me to some one who can help me.
  • I am in veterans court and I had to enter a guilty plea to stay in the program, who gets to see my guilty plea?
  • I live with my ex girlfriend. It has become turbulent. The past year plus she has physically/verbally/objects thrown at me/harassing email-text/threats on my life-police-suing me etc. This is a daily event. I have been told by family to file a PFA. She has no car and we dont know anybody here(From out of state). I work at home and pay 99% of the bills. Along with all the above issues my business is is also affected affected(I am forced out of the apartment almost daily). I am concerned that if I get a PFA they will ask me to leave because I have a car(she does not)--now what?-plus im a guy?
  • My grandson is 5 and has spent most of his life in my custody. He states he hates going home because there isn't any food or the electricity is turned off. Mom has since had 3 other children, and the father is threatening to take them. My concern is he is being neglected. She can't keep a home, she's very transient, can't keep a job, and has a house of women who berate and verbally abuse my grandson. With me, he has consistency and structure. Every now and then mom wants him back, but it's only briefly. Is there any way for me to get guardianship I worry so much for him?
  • how old do you have to be to change your name




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program