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  • If my husband is charging gambling debts to a mutual credit card, can I avoid responsibility?
  • When does back child support start when couples are still married but living in seperate households? And when money is given in that time period, does it count towards child support?
  • Filing for divorce how do I answer this question when I owned my house before we got married and we have nothing but debt shared? How do you request that the court divide the community, joint and common property between you and your spouse?
  • My estranged wife of 9+ years left me for another man who by her instruction attempted murder on me where I died 2 times that day. She went back to the reservation in AZ where I cannot find her nor do I want to. How do I receive a divorce from her on the grounds of adultery, domestic violence, abandonment and attempted murder. We have no children or property togather. I am Sioux she is dine' but was a member of the wheatfield/tsaile chapter house. who do I file with and how? please e me at [email protected] it is 9-25-15
  • My son is 5 years old. I have sole custody. I read the self service paperwork and it says I have to notify the other parent or show "order terminating parental rights of the other parent." Is my divorce decree showing sole custody good enough? I know sole custody gives me the right to make decisions for my children even if my ex does not agree.
  • My husband died 4 months after we married. Under Arizona law, am I entitled to anything in his estate. He did not have a will.
  • What does it mean if my parenting time is suspended? What are my rights? And what do I do to get my rights back
  • My girlfriend and I split up almost a year ago. We have a 15 month old daughter. She won't let me see her. I have paid child support as much as I can. I have to go through the grandmother for visitation, and only get to see her an hour every two weeks if I'm lucky. How do I go about getting joint custody?
  • I have supervised visitation with my children until my oldest daughters therapist says I can have unsupervised. Well my children's father has not been taking them to therapy and won't let me talk to them on the phone and refuses to work with me is that legal?
  • My oldeest daugter is 16 and she wants a job, if she gets a job would I get less money from child support?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program