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  • If I work out of the state of AZ will AZ child support still garnish my checks?
  • there is no due date on my lease agreement, can the landlord evict me if i dont pay rent or not pay rent that month?
  • I have 5 days to leave. I was given a 5 day notice of non rental payment on 7/1/2015 and minutes later she returned with an acceptance of partial payment where our agreed schedule of rent is divided into 4 with 1st payment due 7/10/2015 I was on time that week but after for the 17th I was late in which my mom helped me with and landlord accepted assuring I'd get to stay as long as all was paid by the first that was 3 days ago. Today was court I was told wouldn't have to go I had an accident a week ago broke collar bone & arm &4 mos pregnant. Do I have to go and what about my moms money?
  • if my friend ask me to get her pregnant and she tells me I will not have to have any financial liability can she still take me for child support? what papers should we get signed so I wont be responsible for this child
  • i owe child suport can they or will take out of my check
  • In our Divorce Decree, my ex is ordered to make payments to me every month for the Equity from our home and property. He has been late in his payments half of the time; sent a NSF check or only partial payment. I accepted the payment plan because he said he wanted to keep the house, and was unable to get a loan for the amount he would owe. The total amount he would owe me is only $21,000.00. Is there anything I can do to have the Decree changed so that he has to pay the balance to me in a lump-sum now?
  • A girl was staying with me for 2 months and I never drafted a lease, she threatened the domain of my home as far as personal property is concerned and was completely insubordinate whether it be cleanliness, punctuality so on and so forth. In the end I kicked her out. What legal right if any is in her favor? To my understanding she was never a legal tenant so I would think almost next to none.
  • I have a default divorce and my ex-wife will not give me a copy of the court papers and I do not know where to find them. She moved out of state with my daughter and I have no idea what the custody is or anything about the divorce and she will not let me see my daughter. Is there anything I can do about this?
  • My landlord was supposed to only go into the basement threw the basement door the one day with the plumber. She ended up walking all threw my home and told me about my child's room and drawers were went threw. But she claims my 8 lb yorkie dog and pooped on the floor and this was only 3 days after I moved in . She now gave me a eviction letter because of one piece of dog poop that I did not see and was not there when I got home from work. I always keep dog in cage while I'm not home . Can she evict me over this. She says in lease I can have the. Dog




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program