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  • There are 4 households renting on one property. Can landlord evict 1 household and not the othets for no reason?
  • Do I need a will?
  • I have been divorced from my wife since 1996 and have Joint custody of our only child. She was named as primary residence and I was ordered to pay child support. My son has been living with me for the past seven years and my ex-wife has given back my child support that is taken from my check every month since then. We both wish to stop this as it has become a hassle and neither wishes to pay child support. What forms do I need to stop this.
  • How much would it cost to change your last name after marriage through the court?

    Where Can I Buy Cenforce Online at Lowest Price?

  • My mother passed and she has had livestock which she paid the pasture fees and a vehicle she paid for. The problem is the vehicle is in my brothers name and she had him care for animals when she was not able to. Now, are the property now his or should it be probated to all the living children.
  • I am concerned that my landlord did not follow the law in the Landlord Tenant Act (section 33-1321) concerning Landlord Obligations for security deposits. The law says “Within 14 days after termination of tenancy…the tenant shall be provided an itemized list of all deductions…” I received an itemized list of repairs within 14 days but there were no dollar amounts showing what would be deducted from my deposit. 54 days later, they provided an itemized list with deductions. The law does not say only provide an itemized list of repairs. The law says provide an itemized list of repairs WITH deductions. Since they did not provide the dollar amount of deductions within 14 days, did they violate the law? If yes, what do I do?
  • a friend if mine is incarcerated and wishes to give me parental rights over his 9 year old son who is now a ward of the state, after being sent letters asking him if he had a family or friend with which he would want the child placed but DCS never attempted to place the child with me as he asked. this has been going on almost a year. I once had guardianship of the child when he was 3 months old until he was alnoay a year, and have known the father since the biological mother, now deceased, was pregnant. They are like family to me. we have been trying to find out if he can give me parentals
  • I filed and received an Order Of Protection, including the exclusive rights to my house and property. That was around the 3rd of June. The Judge said they would serve it at no cost by that day or the very next day. They did not make it by on the same day. The next day everyone had to leave the house due to the house being chemically fumigated. So the Order was not served. I assumed they would return and they have not. Also the police have been back to the house since then due to the same reasons I acquired the Order. I told them about the Order and they made it seem like its not valid? Is that true?
  • I signed a lease for an apt in a dog friendly neighborhood. My upstairs neighbor works at night and sleeps during the day. She claims she can hear my dogs barking insessently all day long. Careful monitoring proves that they may bark at a sound like the rest of the dogs in the complex and the world. Nothing to prove her claim of excessive barking she does not own a dog. Am I able to terminate my lease? Is this discrimination since I am the only one who is being kept to a different standard?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program