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  • My ex and i have a history of domestic violence. He is about to be released from prision in 3 weeks. what steps should i take to file for custody of our5yr old son?
  • How do I get the status of my divorce? My husband filed and said he took care of everything and I didn't need to do anything.
  • I am 16 years old and I've been through my dad's custody till I was 14 until on November 19 he died and thn my mom got custody but my older sister told her if she got half custody we could get her benefits like insurance wise so at the time I signed the papers and a year passes and my sister has taken it over board she thinks she has full custody and we only se our mom on the weekend or on breaks is that fair? And well I've done some bad things in the past an she uses that against me and my mom can she use that against my mom if my sister wants custody and do I have the right to say no?
  • i was kicked out of my nursing program 3months before i was due to graduate because a background check company falsely reported a 13 year old misdemeanor drug possession. because of their mistake I also lost my externship job offer. I have since provided that company documentain from the state they claim i was accussed in confirming they're error. I was reinstated into my program and have since graduated but it took me a year and I racked up a large bill fighting them. they ruined my life for a year and I want to sue them for the financial burdens they caused me. Im not sure how to start this
  • Can I request to get custody of my daughter through the court if 1. her mother cannot support her, she doesn't have a job. Her mother is also not following the court orders regarding visitation.
  • My husband who is 34 gave a sperm sample, via a specimen cup, over 10 years ago to a lesbian couple he was friends with. They all signed a mutual agreement that he had no legal rights or responsibilities to any child created from this donation. The lesbian couple moved away and my husband has not heard from them in 10 years. No the mother who carried the child is coming after my husband and I for Paternity and Childsupport. My husbands first wife did not keep their copy of the signed agreement and the other female in the partnership passed away a month ago. What on earth do we do now?
  • I appear for my 341 hearing and approach by a lawyer representing my creditor. I was asked to step out in the hallway and told I had two choice either agree to start repaying or surrender the things I got from them. They also sent me a certified letter. What type of motion can I file for them violating the order of stay?
  • Does military service put you at a disadvantage for custody disputes?
  • If a father is 2-3 grand behind due to unemployment can the mother refuse to let the father see the child?
  • Bankruptcy was done 6/2010.My mortgage was included and at same time GMAC mortgage was going thru bankruptcy and Ocwen took over my payments which I continued to make. I was not aware that I was to reassume my loan nor advised by Ocwen or lawyer on this. Ocwen took payments and stopped reporting to credit bureau's.Tried Harp but was unable due to no show of a morgage.Struggling to pay 1400mo now.If let go can they report it with lack of show of mortgage.Can they be forced to report back paymt's.what options do I have before I'm forced out of home.Reach me at [email protected]




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program