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  • Want to file for divorce and have no income
  • My former girlfriend move outand left behind furniture. She also owes me money. Can I hold the furniture until she pays her debt.
  • My wife and I are being threatened with a grandparents rights suit I've have looked up many different things to see if my mother can even file our son was born less then a month before we were married which we did not intend to have happen but you don't control when the baby comes can she file anything
  • I'm not a Landlord, but a person who let a woman & her children stay with me due to domestic violence. Her children are so violent that they attack my dog & my young children. She's only be here a couple weeks. I want her to leave, but I don't know if I've gotten myself into a legal bind. I'm trying to get her to go to a DV shelter, but so far no luck. What can I do legally. No agreement was signed & no money had been paid by her.

  • I pay spousal maitenance monthly to Support Payment Clearing House directy, in the form of a check. The divorce decree that is on record has a date listed as the final date or last payment to be payed through January 31, 2019. Do I need to fill any additional closure documents or just send the last payment when due? It is not withheld from my paycheck. I write the check. Not sure if I need to file anything or if they get it per the decree.
  • can a complex predate a notice to terminate lease just for not wanting to renew lease? I think this tactic is used because I claim they have unsafe property and gave them 30 day notice to comply with health and safety.
  • we were evicted from a trailer court recently but i own my trailer outright, paid for free and clear. Can the park take my trailer from me? Its too old to move and they say that if I sell it I have to sell it for a minimum of what is owed to them or they will evict the new owner. That doesnt seem right to me.
  • My landlord sent me a check, for what I believed was compensation for my a/c being out for 3+ weeks with temperatures in the home exceeding 100 degrees. I contacted them to ask how the amount was calculated. They then responded that it was noted in my account that a check was sent to us, and would get more information. A few days later they stated that the check was sent in error, and to return the check. What is my legal obligation?
  • My son turns 18 years in a few months. I feel it necessary to move him out of the house when he turns 18. I have heard that it isn't that simple. Can I simply ask him to leave and if he doesn't what are my rights? Since age 16 he has been destructive, disrespectful and has stolen thousands of dollars from us. Police have been involved, therapists, family therapist, case managers etc... The home is in turmoil... It's time for him to go.
  • I received a traffic ticket in 1986 for no registration. I live in CA and due to the AZ ticket, I can not get my license in CA. Is there a staute of limitations? It is now Oct 2008. It has been 22 years. Thank you.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program